Life Happens- Mom's Health, My Health, and the man... **Update Pg 48**

I'm sorry. You've got a great attitude about it, though.
This may be the most important thing I say in this entire thread Chickerdoodle, so listen up...

If that boy was really a friend, a true friend, a friend worth having in your life, he would never, ever have acted the way he did. He is not worthy of holding the title of "friend".

I'm sorry things didn't work out the way you had hoped, but at least you learned sooner, rather than later, that he is not worth your time. Chin up, girl, you got a lot going for you and you're a strong young woman. You'll be just fine. I know it.
Thanks Terrah! Those are definitely wise words.

I'm in a very good mood today. I was able to vent to some other friends and they agreed with me. They said I have every reason to be upset...but I guess the best part about that is I am NOT upset. Now if it weren't for three tests and a presentation during the next three days, my week would be even better! LOL I've seriously been trying to study all day and haven't gotten very far. Ugh, biochemistry!
Oh hun, I feel your pain! I had gen chem last year. I hate chem. I have a pathophysiology test tomorrow morning. I'm going down to tend the chickens and then spend the rest of the evening studying. Bleh! I hate school.

So yeah, I'm with you in spirit
I'm sorry. You've got a great attitude about it, though.

Yes a great attitude and his LOSS! No big deal and there are more fishes in the pond for ya!
All day today *someone* was trying to show me how good I have it. Morning started off crappy, but I'm sitting here right now smiling. I'm even going to a crhistian fellowship meeting tonight, and I'm not really that religious. They always make me feel good to go to, and I think it would be a great end to an overall good day.

I went to get on the shuttle to classes this evening and a guy who lives across the hall (who I graduated with in highschool) was also waiting to get on. He sat with me and we chatted, then he waited for me to get off the shuttle first like a gentlemen. So polite! He mentioned he had to run to class because he was late, but decided to walk with me instead. We had a nice little chat about all kinds of random things. Makes me smile to know that there ARE gentlemen out there...and I deserve to be treated respectfully. Then I got to class and everyone there was determined to be silly. So silly to the point I had tears in my eyes from laughing. Even my professor was having a good time, and she's usually reserved and on the quiet side.

Thanks for all the advice and support guys. I love ya'll!
I actually feel so much more relaxed now that I don't have to worry about my "former" friend.
The best revenge btw it really having a great time and meeting someone totally better and more deserving of your time. I say its revenge because usually thats when someone realizes that they missed out on someone special.

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