Life Happens- Mom's Health, My Health, and the man... **Update Pg 48**

Haha, free time? What's that?

I been going, going, going all week long, but my tests are over and now I'm just enjoying my weekend! Last night I took a detour on my shopping outting to the movies. There's nothing like a random night with a friend! (We saw Devil. It was such a goooood movie!)

Tonight's the Osprey Ball (Homecoming dance) at my school and I'm so excited! I'm all dolled up and waiting until 7:50 so I can drive over. I had my room mate take some pictures of me, so I'll post them when I get a chance! It's Mardis Gra theme, so I bought a feathery mask to wear. I'm so stinkin' excited! I have a bunch of friends who will also be there and we are all excited to dance all night long. Should be a blast, especially since the only person I'm going with is my room mate. It's really nice not to have to bother meeting up with other people!
Hope you have a great time, Chickerdoodle!

Thanks, I had an awesome time! Just got back and I'm heading for a shower and some cozy bed time. I must have danced the entire four hours and I'm sooo exhausted!

Red, I did exactly what you said. Had a smiled plastered on my face the entire night and it was 100% sincere and real. I had the best time, and Mr. "friend" knew it. Him and his little date left very early, and they were homecoming king and queen. Alot of other people saw that and were disappointed in them. They should have stayed the whole time, and essentially they ditched the entire school. THAT did not go unnoticed. I got into a conversation with the queen runner up who I met last night, and I mentioned that they headed out really early. She said she noticed that too. She said she and her friend worked with "him" and they don't speak to him anymore because he's turned into such a jerk. I mentioned that I had noticed it too, and that I was baffled by the behavior. Before we parted, I said "I'm glad I'm not the only one who notices it then" and she says "Believe me, you're not. The entire school sees it." I was pretty shocked. I really thought I was the only one who realized something was strange! I CAN say that I am soo glad I got out when I did. Apparently I am not the first friend he's lost, and I'm quite positive I will not be the last.

That chapter officially closed and tossed in the trash. Life is always an interesting ride! I'm just glad I've learned to smile through it. Thanks ya'll for supporting me. Couldn't have done it without all my close BYC friends.
You could have done it Chickerdoodle, of that I am sure. You have a strong will about you. You'll do fine in this crazy world... But BYC folks sure do make things easier
I'm glad you had a great time, you deserved it.

My man called and asked me to dinner tonight before he had to work. It was good, we talked about some serious stuff (including my impending ultrasound and bloodwork, which he absolutely hounded out of me) and when I told him I was worried he actually said "We'll get through this." It's so nice to have him to support me, even if it is "female issues."

He asked me if I wanted to spend the day at the lake with his family next Sunday.... Did he really have to ask?

Yip... Life is good.....
Ooh.. lucky girl! Day at the lake with your honey... nice!

And dont stress about the female issues yet..... just take it day by day..

What do they think is wrong?? The PCOS??
She's leaning towards PCOS, but I have no idea. I just wish I could stop.... You know. Three months without a cycle and this is the second one in three weeks. I'm sick of it Wendy
I don't know which hurts worse in the mornings.... My foot or my tummy...
OOh Sweetie.. it sucks..

But once they find out exactly whats wrong.. then they can fix up up right quick! I think for PCOS they put you on a certain med... and its supposed to really help..
I dont know that much about it though...
Personal question..
Yell at me if its too personal...
Do you ever want children?? If so... with the PCOS .. you need to talk to the doc about that stuff now... just to be safe..
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