Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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I can't wait to see pics. I've not looked forward to a wedding so much in a long time. Including my own. LOL These things are stressful! All the little and big things to organise. Have you still lots to do Debi? I hope you have someone helping you.
Oh goodness, I have my best friend taking care of the food, the gal hosting the wedding is covering the rehearsal dinner. Just about everything is done except shopping for the flower girl dress and the men getting their suits. I have to assemble the center pieces but I will do that at the house when we decorate the day before. Cake is being delivered and so are the tables and chairs, etc. I was willing to pay extra to NOT have to run around town and pick stuff up.

I need to take the topper to the bakery tomorrow, getting my hair trimmed on the 15th, nails and feet will be done on the 22nd. I think we are ready!
That's great! Getting close now...
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