Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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Holy goat! Debi, what have you been feeding that thing?!
Hay. And they mow the yard too. You guys have never seen Nubians or Boer's before??
I'm so sorry that life is throwing you this curve ball.I hope things work out for you and your family.
OMG! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our goats weigh 250 lbs if they weigh an ounce. Flipping them on their back is so not an option.
Ha! yeah that's big. my tough guy is at least 190 maybe 200... but then I *AM* the Goddess of All Goats and I *DO* know The TakeDown Maneuver. (oooo.... ahhh... sounds of goats bleating nervously in the background...)
It requires effort, but hey, I've got a brain to go with my bawn and while he may be stronger than I am, I know more about leverage

Sometimes being the Goddess of All Goats requires a little work, but it's SOoooo worth it
Believe me, you can do it if you are mad enough. I have. It is amazing what a little adrenaline can do. None of my own bucks would ever have DARED to butt me, but I had a visitor who was spoiled and had never been taught any manners. He butted me. Once. I reached down under his belly, grabbed his legs on the other side, and pulled them right out from under him. He went down with a crash with me on top of him. I was furious. He never tried that with me again, though.
+1 !!!
Cassie it's clear you know The TakeDown Maneuver ...


Happy to meet another member of the Goddess of All Goats club!

with my tough guy I have to use Maneuver Version Two, which also involves a horn lock.... since he's got 'em and it's important to know where they're going while he's going over.

our female goats and sheep range from about 125 up to about 175, and the bucks and rams are 175-350 lbs...
oh, except for the two nigierians, they're maybe 70 lbs each.

I think the biggest I've ever flattened was about 250. haven't had to sit on the big 350 pounder ram - he's a schmooze and besides that, he knows that not only am I the Goddess of All Goats but also the Goddess of All Sheep.
Believe me, you can do it if you are mad enough. I have. It is amazing what a little adrenaline can do. None of my own bucks would ever have DARED to butt me, but I had a visitor who was spoiled and had never been taught any manners. He butted me. Once. I reached down under his belly, grabbed his legs on the other side, and pulled them right out from under him. He went down with a crash with me on top of him. I was furious. He never tried that with me again, though.
I couldn't do it, but I am not known for my athletic prowess. In fact, people laugh at me when I try to lift something heavy and then at some point after I struggle to lift/move it they inevitably become bored/exasperated/feel sorry for me and they shove me aside and say: "Oh here, just let me do it!"
I couldn't do it, but I am not known for my athletic prowess. In fact, people laugh at me when I try to lift something heavy and then at some point after I struggle to lift/move it they inevitably become bored/exasperated/feel sorry for me and they shove me aside and say: "Oh here, just let me do it!"
It is not a matter of strength so much as leverage. And that is true for many things. For instance, I used to haul goat milk to the creamery in 10 gallon cans. Now milk weighs about 8.6 pounds per gallon and the milk can itself weighs close to 10 pounds, so that's about 96 pounds per full can. Not only did I take the cans out of the cold box, but I hefted them into the back of the pickup. I used my body and legs to move them. You should have seen my BIL's face when he tried to help me load cans one morning. He figured if this overweight out of shape middle aged woman could do it, he could do it with ease. Surprise!! After I showed him how, he had a much easier time. Please understand that I am not particularly strong, and my bucks were big fellas. But if you push the animal off balance and pull his legs out from under him he will go down. You are using his weight to your advantage. Of course in my case the net result was not particularly graceful. I mean I fell on top of him.
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