Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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I love those kinds of debates! They are good releases. Keep strong!
It's been a good weekend. Cash gave me baby kisses today and he is now walking at 9 1/2 months old. He also had a complete attack of happiness on my lap for about 10 minutes. Bouncing, laughing, giggling, clapping, kissing. It was heaven!!!!
Im also praying!
I dont know you but i started crying while reading this!
Thank you.

Last night was trying for us. Every time I turn around there is another bill and not small ones either. I believe we are now going make the center pieces and have a potluck lunch, no DJ, but a boombox. Down scaling big time - I had diamonds in my eyes with a tin can budget.
Oh sweety it will be great! I had a wedding on 750$ Most of that went to the cake. If it is not below you(it was not for me) ask around for things. We had fake flowers. My Mother in law had just gotten married the year before and happened to be a pack rat so she kept everything and we liked the same colors. Only difference is my wedding had marroon for the main color and hers was a dark navy blue. All the other colors matched. I had a friend that was getting rid of a country style dress and she gave it to me as my wedding present. Everyone brought side dishes and we made briskets....It was lovely!
Good luck!
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