Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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The two most important things are the dress and the cake. And the man. Everything else is just window dressing - you will be happy no matter what if you have those first three.
That's what I think too. I think I got a bit carried away. We have really nice favors already purchased. Now I need to re-work the rest.
I know this sounds cheap of me but we did just that for music. Boombox.( we hid it and hooked up extra speakers but..) We sat around in the evenings on the couch listening to music and actually made our own wedding CD. Upside we can still listen to it. Every single song was picked by the two of us and was a reflection of who we were. It was actually very nice.

The two of us also made our center pieces together. He sat there helping me twine ivy around glass bowls. He even went shopping with me to buy scented votives from my favorite shop because I thought even the smell had to be just right. A couple nights before the wedding we sat at our dinner table polishing silver vases we had bought from a 2nds store and the night before he was helping me trim the roses we ordered directly from a wholesaler. It all meant so much. We didn't see the wedding as really the cementing of ourselves together but rather presenting ourselves to family and friends as a single entity. Every little detail was lovely done by the two of us together, it personified who were were and it was beautiful ( and cheap). Trust me, as long as you guys are together in each others arms at the end of the day, your day will be a beautiful memory.
I know this sounds cheap of me but we did just that for music. Boombox.( we hid it and hooked up extra speakers but..) We sat around in the evenings on the couch listening to music and actually made our own wedding CD. Upside we can still listen to it. Every single song was picked by the two of us and was a reflection of who we were. It was actually very nice.

The two of us also made our center pieces together. He sat there helping me twine ivy around glass bowls. He even went shopping with me to buy scented votives from my favorite shop because I thought even the smell had to be just right. A couple nights before the wedding we sat at our dinner table polishing silver vases we had bought from a 2nds store and the night before he was helping me trim the roses we ordered directly from a wholesaler. It all meant so much. We didn't see the wedding as really the cementing of ourselves together but rather presenting ourselves to family and friends as a single entity. Every little detail was lovely done by the two of us together, it personified who were were and it was beautiful ( and cheap). Trust me, as long as you guys are together in each others arms at the end of the day, your day will be a beautiful memory.
Ken really wants to be "involved" but wants me to do what I want. I SOOO cannot see him sitting around making centerpieces. LOL! That will be me and my best friend. I am going to troll the dollar stores this weekend and see what I can find.
Sounds like all is going well (currently), I've lost track of this

LOL! If he does, I'd like to see a pic of it

Have fun, and have a *perfect* wedding
Sounds like all is going well (currently), I've lost track of this

LOL! If he does, I'd like to see a pic of it

Have fun, and have a *perfect* wedding
No, you are current. Things have been steadily good for a few weeks now. Two weeks in a row someone showed up to mow for us!!!! We had a misunderstanding last night over money. Namely me losing it and crying like a baby and him feeling like a lazy loser. Neither is good and he is NOT a lazy loser.
The best wedding I ever attended, bar none, was also the cheapest by far! The bride wore a long evening dress, soft and floaty, bought for a few pounds in a charity shop. Her headdress was home made of ears of corn and leaves, as it was harvest time, her bouquet was ribbon tied wild flowers from the hedgerow. She walked along the lane to church with her father and bridesmaids, a bevy of little girls in their best party frocks, with baskets of petals, which later doubled as confetti. The reception was held in the church hall and gardens with the food supplied by attending guests, each bringing their own favourite dish. The buffet table was covered in a starched white bed sheet and strewn with poppy petals, and as grand a harvest feast as anyone could remember. The cake was made by a family friend and was her wedding present to the happy couple. The only real costs involved were the church fees and the hire of the hall, both of which were fairly small amounts of money. The couple asked that no presents be given but donations to two favourite charities instead. I have never been to a happier, sun-kissed wedding, nor one which everyone enjoyed more, no matter how much money was spent!
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