Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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You are in my prayers. I know this is not easy and wish i had something better to say. Try to take each moment as a gift and know that you are not alone! Our love and prayers, heather in tucson
You two are in my thoughts and prayers always, Debi. I wish there was more I could do for you, but He will. Tell Ken to take it easy. We want to see you two married. Not so long now...
I check in here often, and continue to pray for you and Ken. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I want to se your wedding pictures posted here in a few months!
I'm another one who checks in here often and can't wait for these wedding pictures! No matter how many you put up, I don't think it will be overkill Deb, you can bet we will all be wanting more!!!

Hope Ken is feeling better over the last couple of days. You are always in my thoughts
Do you have paypal so I can send you a little something?
You have been eavesdropping on my thoughts!!
I would like to do something for the wedding but I know you have to be careful about who you give mailing address to. I learned that firsthand!!
But, paypal works. Do you have it, Debi? I mean, what are friends and family for?
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