Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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We could have a big ol' BYC wedding shower!
Funny enough.. I had a msg typed up the other day about wanting to give deb something for her wedding! Deb, I deleted it out of fear that you might find it offensive or inappropriate! but now I shall jump on the bandwagon too!!!!!

What about something pretty from etsy? or something similar? Surely there is something that we could gift to you!

*looks around at the other potential 'givers'*..... I think we could all band together and do something lovely for a special couple on their big day!
We are registered at Target and There are plenty of small items on there as well as some more expensive stuff that I need to cook for Ken. As it is, if I cook he has to close himself in the bedroom with oxygen
I am not real comfortable with people sending cash, especially if I don't know you!!!!

However, gift cards at Target are an option for those who wish to gift.

You guys made me smile today, in an otherwise frustrating week.
Ok crew. How about we get together (some where away from Deb's prying eyes) and look to get one of the bigger ticket items? I love the idea of pitching in for something that is wanted!!!!!

I'm in! I got a job, finally, and am working a fulll week this week, should be steady from now on! So count me in. Now, where are we gonna plot our gift???
I'm in! I got a job, finally, and am working a fulll week this week, should be steady from now on! So count me in. Now, where are we gonna plot our gift???
That is up to you fine people. LOL! I am dealing with my body rejecting what is normal, hot flashes and teenaged zit breakouts.
I have sent PM's to a few of you

If anyone else wants to join in to the secret BYC present gang..... let me know!

Oh deb, just what you need! a few zits always makes you feel great! NOT!!!!!
I have sent PM's to a few of you

If anyone else wants to join in to the secret BYC present gang..... let me know!

Oh deb, just what you need! a few zits always makes you feel great! NOT!!!!!
Right?? I have had some HUGE ones that I haven't seen since I was 15!!!! Not funny. And now I know my pics are gonna be taken at the wedding I see these massive dark circles under my eyes? Vain much? *snort* lately.....

Upnote, I was able to cook fish sticks tonight and Ken did not need the oxygen. It's a crapshoot with him, and that is scary.
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