Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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If it makes you feel any better I have a fat face and a black eye developing after a minor domestic dispute I had with a door!!! I tried slamming it closed (by pulling it), the handle broke off, and I whacked myself in the cheek bone! Thank goodness I don't have to go anywhere any time soon, otherwise I'd be worried what people might think!!!!!

Did you want to get your hair & makeup done professionally for the big day? That will be sure to cover any nasty zits who decide to pop up and any dark eyes! Let's just say.... I think the current 'present giving' team could almost afford it
Nothing would make us happier than to have you feeling at your most beautiful on your big day!

P.s - I found your registry
That is up to you fine people. LOL! I am dealing with my body rejecting what is normal, hot flashes and teenaged zit breakouts.
Ha! I just looked in the mirror this morning and laughed when I saw a small red spot on my cheekbone, and the ghost of a big zit that has just about healed between my eyebrows. Makes me feel like a teenager again.
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I don't know what this Zit thing is. I NEVER get them. I have an ugly one on my cheek. I am blaming the heat and humidity here in Ohio. Debi, you and Ken are always in my thoughts and prayers. I really wish I would have been able to find the time to meet you when was in CA last month, but Mom's illness and 90th birthdayt party really kept me busy, I know how hard it is to cook when someone in the house has emphysema or COPD. I used the crockpot alot.. Couldn't cook anything that put grease in the air. My outdoor grill got a lot of use year round. Found I could do bacon, sausage, etc on a Foreman type grill as the grease was contained and not airborne, If I think of any other hints I will PM you. I did it for 10 years. Hang in there and as others have said take care of yourself so you can take care of Ken. Waiting to hear of more wedding plans.
My goats are nubian/boer crosses. BIG boys.

I really need to get out this weekend and start looking for stuff for centerpieces and flowers for the bouquet!
add me to the gift giving crew... someone PM me with where all y'all are plotting?
You guys are all too kind.

I came home last night and Ken was in bed sound asleep with his oxygen on. My heart dropped and I left the room to let him sleep, just knowing if he had that tube on he had a bad day. An hour later he bounces into the living (well, as much as the man can bounce) and asked me how my day was. I just looked at him like he had three heads. Apparently he was just tired and the humidity was bugging him was all. THANK GOD!

I ask if he was hungry and he tells me he wants a popsicle. Ok, a lemon pop for dinner? Yep. Three hours later "Honey, could you make me a burger?"
Boys will be boys, hey? I'm glad to hear he's o.k. though. Still thinking of and praying for you guys every day. You are top of my list.
If it makes you feel any better I have a fat face and a black eye developing after a minor domestic dispute I had with a door!!! I tried slamming it closed (by pulling it), the handle broke off, and I whacked myself in the cheek bone! Thank goodness I don't have to go anywhere any time soon, otherwise I'd be worried what people might think!!!!!
having had a shiner or two (for perfectly mundane reasons, I assure you), I have 4 or 5 good stories for anyone who gives me that "look"...

my favorites?
- "I got whacked in the eye with the cables while bungie jumping."
- "Got into a head butting argument with one of my sheep."
- "Oh this? You should see the other guy."
- "Spear-fishing injury."
- "Well, let's just say that shooting 275 rounds with a 12-gauge shotgun is 25 too many."
- "Bar fight."

and then I try to rotate which one I tell around folks who've already heard one of the stories...

just smile and keep 'em guessing.
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