Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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Stop being so stubborn. A little bit from a bunch of people whose lives you have touched will go a long way.

Wait...YOU are not ASKING! WE are OFFERING!! There's a big difference!
And Chick N Haus is right. Y'all need your phones. With Ken's health problems, most definitely, and there is also the "you never know what is gonna happen" scenario. These days, phones are a necessity. We are very willing to help out. So please let us. Pretty please? With cream and sugar and a cherry on top?

x3, you'd do it for someone else if you could - you know you would! If we can give money to different organizations to help people we know nothing about, why not help someone who we have some connection with?
Quote: Quote: wait... *who's* stubborn?
you've got friends here wanting to help.
let them help.

we all have the opportunity to take important lessons out of difficult situations, Sometimes, especially for the independent among us, the lesson is learning how to accept help when we need it.
No one can have too many friends (old and new). We have an opportunity to do together that which we might not be able to do separately. zzGypsy is right. Be as gracious in receiving as you have been in giving. I know it is more difficult, but you are among friends here. Love and support from us all.
Yikes! Maybe you could get one of those "pay as you go" cell phones?
I need to explain what happened first. The phone is in my son's name, so he gets the bill. In April we went into the store, bought new phones and told them we wanted to pay for the phones and the bill IN FULL. Well they charged us the minimum amount, instead of the entire thing, which we had the money for at the time. Since then, my son has not told us the full extent of the bill. He would pay his part and we would pay ours online. Well, it snowballed getting further and further behind. The phones are "on vacation" til we can pay it down, as the boy unit hasn't had any money to pay his portion, we wound up with a huge bill. End of story.

Seriously, everyone, if it was small, we could handle it. And if we couldn't I would be fine accepting small amounts of help. Ain't no way, no how anyone has $700 to donate to a woman y'all have never met!!!! I would NEVER expect that either!!!!


Steph, we have tried that route before and it actually winds up more expensive in the end.
In a past life I was a bank operations officer and have counselled my share of people who found themselves in bad circumstances. The only way out is usually the direct approach. First, take us up on our offer. I have no idea how much we can get together, but something is a heck of an improvement over nothing. Then get together with your son. See if he can contribute something as well. All go into the office of the cell phone company in person and tell them that you need to straighten out your cell phone account. Give them the money that you have, ask them if they can find a way to reduce your bill and separate your phones so that your son is responsible for his account and you and Ken have your own account with a plan you can manage. Most businesses are willing to work with people who are making a sincere effort to pay their bills. Plan B, which usually never works, is to stick your head in the sand and hope it will all just magically get better. Cowboy up Deb, as they say in our territory, and take step number one and accept some help. It can't make the problem worse and there is a good chance that it will make things better. That's my two cents. I didn't get this old and not learn anything. We are still here for you.
Guys, you don't understand. LOL!!!! The bill is $700!!!!!!
Well, you never know what we can do when we get our minds to it!! At least it wasn't over $1000 like mine was. My DS (who was 12 at the time) got a 1-900 number from a "friend" at school and called it, and called it, and called it. I had a fit when my bill came in. Anyway, the point is.. we want to help. Let us help. So what if it's $700. I understand your position very well as I have been there. Do like was suggested and have DS taken off your bill and make him pay (he's an adult, right?) his own bill. You and Ken need your phones. I, for one, stand behind my offer to help, no matter where you put the money. It will be for you and Ken to use at your discretion. Be it on your bills or for something for your wedding, as long as you put it to good use, I don't care what you do with it!! Just please let us help you. We are not asking for anything in return and we certainly do not consider you a charity case. You guys deserve something good to happen for you. We want to help make that happen.
Well, you never know what we can do when we get our minds to it!! At least it wasn't over $1000 like mine was. My DS (who was 12 at the time) got a 1-900 number from a "friend" at school and called it, and called it, and called it. I had a fit when my bill came in. Anyway, the point is.. we want to help. Let us help. So what if it's $700. I understand your position very well as I have been there. Do like was suggested and have DS taken off your bill and make him pay (he's an adult, right?) his own bill. You and Ken need your phones. I, for one, stand behind my offer to help, no matter where you put the money. It will be for you and Ken to use at your discretion. Be it on your bills or for something for your wedding, as long as you put it to good use, I don't care what you do with it!! Just please let us help you. We are not asking for anything in return and we certainly do not consider you a charity case. You guys deserve something good to happen for you. We want to help make that happen.
x2. Maybe we can't individually help with the whole thing, but every little bit helps. I've been there too, think of it as allowing us to pay it forward. People have helped us, some in big ways, most in little ways, and we'd like to help you. You never know whose life you have touched with your advice, your humor, sharing your story and allowing us to be a part of your life in this way. You've inspired people to try to give up smoking ... if even one has, imagine what that means to that one person, what future health problems you may be saving them from.

We all have our struggles. Like I said before, I support a few charities when I have a few extra bucks. I have zero connection to most of the people those monies go to; I just believe helping people is the right thing to do. Your story with Ken has touched me, and I want to help make the time you two have together easier. Is that less worthy than putting $20 into the firefighter's boot for Muscular Dystrophy, participating in a poker run to help with someone's medical bills, or donating money to the Humane Society? Not in my mind. It's my money, and I want to help.
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