Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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zzGypsy, I know what you mean.

I was leaving the grocery store one day with my DH, actually in the car and exiting the parking lot. Near the parking lot entrance was a scruffy-looking, homeless older man with a beat-up backpack who had two medium-sized dogs that looked much better cared for then he did. The man wasn't asking for money, he had simply stopped where he could sit on a curb and was feeding the dogs something from his pack. The dogs were grinning, wagging and just had that look that every dog owner knows when a dog is totally happy and content.

I asked DH to turn around and go back, and gave that man every bit of cash I had (it wasn't much, maybe $40 or so), and wished him well. He gave me a hug and wished me the same. I'll never forget him and his dogs.

You know deb if you fuss and keep someone from being a help you could be robbing them of a blessing. Maybe the Lords wants you to know the love and care of friends you never met in person and maybe he wants them to have a blessing in helping you. Just another way to look at it.
You know deb if you fuss and keep someone from being a help you could be robbing them of a blessing. Maybe the Lords wants you to know the love and care of friends you never met in person and maybe he wants them to have a blessing in helping you. Just another way to look at it.
I really thought the $700 bill would discourage people!!!
But you are right. *Sigh*
What type of buckets are they? Are you needing more? I have some small tin ones if that's what you need. Bought them to make cute little easter buckets outta them and got sidetracked with another project and whhooosh, there went Easter!!
No my mom bought all the stuff and I got the right number. They are cute little tin buckets with a flower pattern stamped around the top.
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