Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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The only suggestion I could make, is that along with what you didn't like, you could make a suggestion of what you would like. Something like, "That makes me nuts. I'd rather lay there with you if we could do this instead:"

For me, I'd rather have my IPod and headphones so I could listen to my own music, or my Kindle and a small lamp so I could read.

I guess I'm suggesting that you meet his need for company, while also considering your need to not go nuts.

Another thought - maybe you could tolerate it if you set a time limit. Something like, "I'd love to be here with you until 10:00, but after that I need to get a few things done before I go to bed." Adjust the time to just under the point where you go nuts.
I would be fine watching Columbo!!!
Still thinking of you. Can't send more than hugs and prayers at the moment, but who knows? We may win the lottery tonight, then I'll send you 2 on honeymoon
Take care.
I find myself often in situations where I am not unhappy hanging with my BF doing what he wants to do (like right now at the Sugar Island Music Festival listening to bad open mic), and I will pull my phone out and check in online and he will say something about me not enjoying myself with him.i am not unhappy, just bored. Sigh.
We are not in the same situation really but we have some of the same issues as far as the entertainment and such. My husband is a game person or a horrible foreign film type person. I would rather read. We prop up in bed, legs all tangled up. He watches the tv and I read. Its enough to just be together. Many times I am tired and I lay down. He stays up and fiddles on his computer or whatever but he does he right beside me. Compromise. He might just be a bit afraid of being alone, maybe he wants as much time with you as he can get, so find a way you can do this and both be comfortable. There is a middle ground somewhere in there.
We had a good day today. First was our trip to the new and wonderous grocery store. $322 later and two carts,

Then I met my best friend at David's Bridal and she tried on dresses just to find out that the one she already has at home is PERFECT! I also found a crystal bracelet that is perfect for me. It was a good day.
Well. 8:20 am Ken woke me up to come help him. MAJOR ant infestation in the kitchen, pantry, cupboards, everywhere. He goes off to Lowe's, I start removing food from the pantry. Out goes just about every open package we had in there. Some unopened stuff too. Major clean out of the pantry, major overhaul of the cupboard, clean counters, wash appliances, clean behind the fridge, clean the floor. Spray everything, let dry, wash off the remaining, unaffected food, dry it and put it away. 5 1/2 hours for that ordeal.

THEN came grilled chicken, teriaki kabobs, hot links, hamburgers and hot dogs. We deserved it.

What a day.
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