Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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Debra, not to be a bummer in any way, yet in all honesty my days are numbered because of these cancers inside me, and I have known that fact for quite some time now and I am at peace with that, and in fact, I have been living on borrowed time for some time now and enjoying normal day to life day as it comes, just normal stuff, good, bad, happy, sad, grand babies with fevers and contagious virus'
...tomorrow may bring a different situation so we try not to miss what time is ours to be had...none of us know our time although some of us have forewarning, and some in my family have lived years beyond what was expected, some of us, not so much...we never know from day to day what may kids pray that I will be with them long, and I pray for peace for my kids when it's my time to go. It hurts even more to see friends and loved ones passing when other dearly loved ones are facing illnesses...keeping your family in prayer.
In a way we are all [possibly dying, every day of our lives. This is not a tragedy, but how the world and liviing works. There are so many risks involved with life and living. One thing that medical professionals have to come to terms with is that every patient, no matter how hard they try, is going to die - especially doctors that work with patients like Ken. It is truly not how long you live that is important, but how you live your life while you are here that counts. And to say to the people that are important to you how you feel - so that you never regret later not having the chance.

Debi, do they know where she contracted the mrsa? Before she left the office or after she left on leave?
Where did everyone go?

Had some bad news today regarding a co-worker. She left on medical leave to have her knee replaced. Before that could happen she got MRSA in her lungs. Today the family pulled the plug because she no longer had any brain activity. Everyone is just shocked.
I am so sorry about your co-worker. My father-in-law is in the hospital now with MRSA. It is in his abdomen and came from a catheder tube that he has had for years. It is really scary, but he seems to be doing better.
She passed away almost immediately after stopping the life support. We all wore black ribbons are work today, and we are going to see about helping out with final services as this was sudden.
Where did everyone go?

Had some bad news today regarding a co-worker. She left on medical leave to have her knee replaced. Before that could happen she got MRSA in her lungs. Today the family pulled the plug because she no longer had any brain activity. Everyone is just shocked.

That is just horrifying! Putting the family in my prayers. So sad.
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