Lifespan of Hardware Cloth

Thanks for all the replies! I couldn't get a good pic this evening with the terrible snowy/icy weather. But I suspect that you are all right: the area that is sagging a bit was simply not installed tightly enough and now the wood, earth, etc. is settling and contracting.

I don't recall the gauge we bought, but it was the strongest we could buy in person. And it is attached very securely with washers or wooden framing screwed in. Since HWC seems to last so long, I won't worry about this being a weak point. Seems like it is mostly an aesthetic issue.
Probably, unless it's bowed enough to let and animal get tooth in.
Will wait for pics tho

I'll upload a pic when I get a good one. Lots of the run is covered with clear roof panels right now, so it is hard to see. But it seems like all this predator protection is a losing battle -- something's always trying to get a tooth in. I've got a few other areas (gaps, holes for electrical) that I have been reinforcing. Will also upload pics of those for ideas.

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