Lifespan of Hardware Cloth


5 Years
May 17, 2018
How long does it last? Is there are particular time period when it should be replaced? Or should its condition be assessed based on circumstances and replaced when needed (like when damaged, etc.)? I ask because some of mine seems to be warping on a fairly new coop and I want to make sure that I am not ignoring a weakness. Thanks.
I would say that the quality varies according to manufacturer.
And the gauge.
Then there are variables to consider like environment.

It is 1/2-inch cloth by Everbuilt from Home Depot. Seems strong but bowing out in a couple places, particularly near the bottom. Perhaps it is just gravity?

Mine has been up for 7 years and is doing fine

OK, great. I'd hate to think I'd need to replace it often!
It is 1/2-inch cloth by Everbuilt from Home Depot. Seems strong but bowing out in a couple places, particularly near the bottom. Perhaps it is just gravity?

OK, great. I'd hate to think I'd need to replace it often!

Pictures? I would suspect the wood frame it was attached to have warpage before I'd suspect fence fatigue.
Mine has been up for 7 years and is doing fine

7 years here too. No rust, the galvanizing isn't as bright as it was when new. The 12" - 18" flare out I have around the bottom of the run is laying on the ground with some cover. No rust. I"m guess hardware cloth will last me a good 20 years. Clay soil, normal temps 0 - 90 F, snow and rain.
It is 1/2-inch cloth by Everbuilt from Home Depot. Seems strong but bowing out in a couple places, particularly near the bottom. Perhaps it is just gravity?

I would guess expansion and contraction from normal weather temp fluctuations. Notice my hardware cloth seems to be tighter in the winter then what it is in the summer.
I'm guessing it is likely a lesser grade wire. HC comes in different gauges and the better quality and strength costs more. The lower the number the better wire you have. HD sells a lot of 23 gauge which is not all that sturdy. Go with 19 gauge at a minimum, or if you can afford it go with 15 gauge. Keep in mind that raccoons can tear through the 23 gauge wire.
If your coop is fairly new, the ground it's on could be settling. I have this problem with my pigeon loft. One corner has sank slightly with the rain so I need to lift it and put a firmer base down. This can cause the wire to appear bowed.

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