Light Sussex Thread!!!




Sir Fred and Lady Wilma

Keeping them in the run till the matriarch accepts them.
I hatched out one LS chick among 17 other different breed chicks. The little LS chick is the bravest and boldest chick. Is this normal behavior for this breed? Any other info on this breed would be helpful. Thanks!
I'm no expert, but our LS is *very* curious indeed. Always the first out of the box/gate. She even roosted in a tree overnight (we didn't see her there) and then was even bolder after that. The others are an Australorp and a Wellsummer both very cautious in comparison. The LS roo we had was my favourite. He'd sit on my lap. We weren't allowed to keep him though.
Don't really know what to say, other than im devastated. Went to the hens earlier on and everything was normal, I was just putting the food out like I always do, but then one of two things happened. Rather Lacey put her head in a feeder and Penny tripped over it and broke her neck, or, Penny tripped over the feeder and when Lacey went to go over it, she also tripped over. Either way, she's died. It happened that quick, that I don't even know which one of the two happened, but I seriously never thought anything like that could happen. After it happened, Lacey rolled in front of me and she was lying there like she was in shock, so I picked her up and she had a little fit, so I put her back down and started stroking her. She had another fit before making these random cluck noises and then she just went. I'm still so shocked and upset about it, haven't cried so much. Really can't believe this has happened. I don't have many good photos of her as she was always out and about doing her own thing so I never really got the chance. R.I.P Lacey





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