Light Sussex Thread!!!

Cornerstone Poultry
Waltz's Ark
Sunset Meadow Farm

There are several strains and mixtures of strains of Light Sussex in the US.
1. Dinger line, the old American line. Considered a bit inbred and smaller than usual. No website
2. Bradshaw line. The Aussie line imported by Greenfire arms. Considered over-height and too fluffy by APA Standard. Usually DQ for excessive fluffiness at APA shows.
3. Ron Presley line. Developed by Ron. See HPBAA for details on 1-5.
4. Ron Presley, Bradshaw, Dinger, Grisham crosses. Various combination of 2 or three of these lines and strains to compensate for faults and to combine virtues in the various three lines.
5. Grisham is mentioned as a strain, but, currently, I only see it mentioned when already combined with Dinger. HBPAA has more info on Grisham..

Canadian and English strains in the US:
1. Waltz's Ark in Colorado ( ) has strain of pure Canadian strain of Light Sussex; a flock of Greenfire Light Sussex. And strain of Canadian/Greenfire crosses. He keeps the three flocks separate.
2. Lynnrae Troples in NW PA, USA has at least one hen of Dinkle , A Canadian strain she brought down to combine with Marans to make a Columbian Marans. See HBPAA for details.
3. Walt Boese pure English strain Light Sussex, MT. ( Facebook page only ) Imported thru Canada years ago. Walt shows and wins nicely in APA shows with his pure English Light Sussex. He has show quality stock and let me obtain some last Dec. Not the place to go for stock to cross with other strains and lines.
4. Read more about strains at the parent Club website, American Sussex Association: And at the Heritage Poultry Breeders Association of America website:
Best Regards, Karen Tewart
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Karen what do you mean by "Not the place to go for stock to cross with other strains and lines."?
If that genome meets your needs why not?
I realize there are no purebred chickens but
To me a breed is something that is used as a commodity not for show.
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In 2013 Greenfire Farms imported a new line of light Sussex that are completely unrelated to any lines currently in the US. They haven't been released to the public yet, but they did start laying a few weeks ago. They are the offspring of the Swedish national champion birds.
Cross post from Columbian Wyandotte thread

Are any breeders interested in providing poultry to home/ small scale operations
Or mostly to show?
The reason I would want to obtain a non Hatchery breed is broodyness and hardyness
Along with specific breed traits ie yellow legs comb type down color sex links etc.
Karen what do you mean by "Not the place to go for stock to cross with other strains and lines."?
If that genome meets your needs why not?
I realize there are no purebred chickens but
To me a breed is something that is used as a commodity not for show.
Walt wants to keep his strain pure. He does not want it crossed with other strains. Walt's birds
are pure English strain and he wants to keep them that way. That's why I wrote that.
The new 2013 Greenfire Swedish Import is very exciting I can't wait to see pics of them.
Right now I am going to seek pics of the Swedish Light Sussex.
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<ahem sarcasm="here">

I am just going to stick with my proven Canadian lines... And that's what I recommend others do as-well stick to proven lines
Well I guess a work around could be keep a purebred pen and keep your strain purest supplier happy and use the culls in a commercial flock...of another breed such as sex links
Everyone wins!
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<ahem sarcasm="here">

I am just going to stick with my proven Canadian lines... And that's what I recommend others do as-well stick to proven lines
sarcasm not needed. I will wait to judge the Greenfire import when I have all the info.
In 2013 Greenfire Farms imported a new line of light Sussex that are completely unrelated to any lines currently in the US. They haven't been released to the public yet, but they did start laying a few weeks ago. They are the offspring of the Swedish national champion birds.
Have you got pics of the Swedish birds? This is very exciting!
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