Lightened combs


In the Brooder
Dec 15, 2015
Hi, I just got some chickens to add to my flock and their combs and waffles are very light, what could cause this? A bad diet? Mine of the same breed are bright red and these ones are pink/ whitish

Depending on their age they might not be old enough to lay yet. Hens that are still recovering from molt and aren't quite ready to start laying again will have pale combs.
Another reason for pale combs is anemia caused by internal or external parasites.
They are about 10 mths old, should I separate them from my flock?

Wjhile they are separated take the time to worm them with safeguard and 7 to q10 days later worm them again with Valbazan. You will beworm free. Also check them ofer carefuly for lice and mites and treat. Do this before mixing with your flock. Also watch for any respiratory symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, etc. Good luck.
This could be for a number of reasons ranging from diet, to mating status, temperature or stress. Combs have a tendency to be more vibrant colors in warmer temperatures due to more blood flowing to cool the birds, or when they are looking for a mate.

However, if the dull color is accompanied by other symptoms such as ruffled feathers, drop in egg production or appetite/weight loss, it could be a sign of a more serious problem.

For a definitive diagnosis, we’d recommend to contact your local vet.

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