Lights in the coop that AREN"T for egg production?

I have a LED light in my coop that usually stays on all the time. I put it in there for me, but some of the chickens would usually get caught outside in the run after the auto pop door closed in the evening if it was off. So, I started leaving it on and then I would turn it off after they were on roost. Sometimes I would forget to turn it back on before the next evening, or I simply was not available to a lot of times. I was going to put a timer on it but never did so I just started leaving it on. They have not actually told me one way or the other yet, and there hasn't been anything left in the complaint box, but they seem to prefer it being on all the time.
Is this a thing that people do? Do the chickens like the coop as is (with natural light from windows, pop door, and vents, but still pretty dark) or would they be happier if they had a light in the coop to make it brighter during the day? I don't want to be forcing egg laying through winter, just wondering if chickens like a brighter coop better.
I have a night light in case one of them falls off the roost but that’s obviously a different kind of light. I have lots of high roosts and was just thinking I’d rather not have a poop covered chicken if one fell off underneath.

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