Lights out


12 Years
Jul 31, 2007
Sanford N.C.
I have chicks that are 6,7, and 8 weeks today. I have had them under a red bulb. I read somewhere to start turning off the light for a little bit each night to get them acclimated to darkness, so I just pictched them into total darkness a few minutes ago and so far so good. How long should I leave the light off. They are still in the house and feathered out enough to not really need heat anymore. Should I leave the light off from now on. Thanks
Hmmmm. I dunno. I just turned the light off during one day and never turned it back on. My girls are 4 weeks old and are doing fine without. There are still a few that "dog pile" at one end of the tub but the rest just spread out all over.
Mine are at 6 weeks and in the basement during the night where it is 60-65 degrees. I turn all the lights out, no heater. I base this on the fact that they spend almost every day outside in the garden and have been more than happy down to 50 degrees. They are funny, they let me know at dusk when they want to come into their brooder; when I put them in they eat a bit then set to roost for the night. We are almost finished with the coop...then its outside for good!
at the age your pullet girls are id just leave the light off for good.because they really dont need it anymore.
Mine are 6 weeks and I don't have a light on them anymore. There is a light on the ducklings brooder though so they are still not in complete darkness yet. They will move to the basement next week when the new chicks come and then they will be.
That's a great question! One I was wondering about myself. Thanks for asking it! Now I know too!

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