Limiting Debit Card Transactions? *sigh*

Camelot Farms

10 Years
Jun 5, 2009
VA,TN,NC Tri-State area

article on CNN previews a new plan from banks to recoup their financial losses by limiting our access to our money.
At least one major bank is considering placing a $50.00 limit on all debit transactions.

*sigh*, I am so tired of beingpunished for Big Business failures and errors.

We use our Debit card just like cash. DH has direct deposit and so we seldom have cash on hand. I use our debit card to pay all of our bills and sadly none of them are under $50.00

They'll make even less off of us if we have to go back to writing checks, and I'm wondering if they really think the public will just cave in and pay a fee to keep using the cards for larger amounts. I won't pay them a measly $3 to use my card for a higher amount. I'll write checks. If they don't like that, I'll find another way.
They make billions in interest by housing our money and I won't be squeezed for another red penny. I have choice words that I'd put here, but I respect the minor members of our BYC community. Suffice it to say I've an itchy driving finger.
I'm sick of being held at the mercy of our corrupt government and big business. I feel helpless. This is just another example of where the little guy gets screwed so the big guys can make even more $$$. *sigh* Maybe we should all go back to paying for things with money orders or cash. I would rather pay the PO for a money order than let the banks make more off me - only to have to be bailed out again in a few years.
Not all banks will do this I'm willing to bet. Someone will see a marketing opportunity there by advertising no limits to attract new accounts. Shop around if your bank does.

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