limping chicken


5 Years
Jun 28, 2014
I isolated the hen last light from the others. This morning it seems her left side is paralyzed. Can't support her weight. See how she is tonight.
Age of hen? Has she been eating & drinking OK? What about her poop, is it normal? Has she been bullied perhaps? Any other symptoms? Also check out Marek's thread.
She 6months old was fine yesterday morning. Been laying bout a month. She ate and drank good yesterday. Not sure bout today yet I at work. Do have an app. Tomorrow at vet though. Has me stumped at what is wrong:(
Please let us know what the vet says. Good luck
I hate when one of my chickens is sick & I have to work. Stupid work! They just don't understand.
I will let us all know what I find out. Yeah now I will have to work Saturday:( but they we worth it
Got home from work. She is eating and drinking good and layed an egg today. Trying to move around just loses her balance. I started her on duramycin-10. Wait till tomorrow see what the vet can find. Should I take the vet a stool sample?
I would. She will probably poop there, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared just in case she doesn't. Good luck. I am hoping the best for her.
Well back from the vet. From what she is claiming mine chicken has a strain of the herpies vires. Gave her a anti inflammatory shot and some meloxidyl oral medicine. Said if not better in 24 to 36hours I should cull her:( only time will tell.
Did she mention Marek's disease? That is a form the Herpes Virus. I feel so bad for you & your chicken.
Hope the meds knock whatever it is out.
She didn't mention marked but I waiting for a call back from her so I am going to ask. I really worried bout the rest of my flock though. Not sure what my next step should be:( any advice would sure help.

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