Limping Duck. Bumblefoot?

Yes you mix it every 24 hrs.. Your 3rd picture is great, by the way, i can see just what I need to. If I knew how to do it I could point them right out to you with those arrows some people can add.

Anyways, with the pain, I would say the Duramycin-10 is a good idea and for the bumbles...I'm seeing 5 of them, possibly 6, right near your thumb in the 3rd picture. I use Decolorized Iodine. You can pick it up at WalMart for cheap and that bottle is going to last a long, long time. Let the duck swim in a tub or whatever of warm water, just deep enough for the feet to be up off the bottom. Let them play for 15 mins to a half hour, whatever you can do. You want the skin to soften and the pores to open with the heat. When done, dry them and the foot up and then apply the iodine to the swollen area, not just the top of the lump. You need to paint the whole lump, let it dry and then let the bird go. It's that simple. the iodine is going to go into the skin and start killing the infection immediatly. In a few days, 3,4, or even 5, when you go back to look, you should see brown or black scabs. Soak again, same way as above, peel the scab, see if there is any of the hard cheesy looking pus behind the scab that you can easily get out with tweezers. Once done, dry the foot and paint again with the iodine, dry it, I blow on their feet, they seem to like it and they just relax. Make sure you not only get the iodine inside the hole, but again all of the lump. You may have to do this 4-5 times with bad ones, less with the smaller ones. The whole trick to this is not try to rush the process. Soak, paint, dry and then wait. You do not have to do this everyday and really, could do harm that way. Let the iodine and the body work. At first you will see thick scabs coming off, with all kinds of stuff stuck to the back. This is good as the body is pushing the poisons out. At the end of treatment, the swelling is down and when the last scab comes off, there will be nothing but healed skin behind it.

The bumbles I am seeing run from the top of the center toe, yep that sure looks like a bumble to me at the tip, right on up to the heel pad. The one I wasn't sure about near the thumb also needs be looked at and possibly painted. The toe at the bottom, in the picture also has a small brown spot near the heel pad and it looks to me as if this is where the biggest problem is. That area kinda looks a bit more red than the rest. It may just be the picture, but I'd check it and paint it to be sure.

Last thing...even though we want this to be over with, do not rush it. Using the iodine everyday can cause problems, it can build to toxic levels if used too often. Believe me, you will see better results waiting in between applications and not be risking using too much. Good luck!
OK, I make sure to get the decolorized. Thanks. My friend has some providone-iodine solution, 10%. Its a little old, but would that work until I can get some from the store?
OK, I make sure to get the decolorized. Thanks. My friend has some providone-iodine solution, 10%. Its a little old, but would that work until I can get some from the store?
It will help, but it won't work the same way. Something to remember, iodine doesn't go 'bad', even the betadine. It's a basic element so it can't break down too much.
Well, I gave her another bath today and I think the Duramycin-10 must be working because she doesn't seem to be in as much pain now and has stopped shaking. How long should I give it to her? I think someone said like 5 days. Is that right? I put the providone-iodine solution, 10% on her foot last night and tonight after her bath (We should be able to get the decolorized iodine tomorrow). When I checked her foot today it was fairly dry and had started to peel. Is that normal/good? How often should I apply the Iodine? Should I still be giving her epsom salt soaks and/or applying Neosporin? And last but not least, should I be wearing gloves to mess with her? I'm planning on using them if/when she gets scabs, but I`ll certainly put them on now if I should.
Well, I gave her another bath today and I think the Duramycin-10 must be working because she doesn't seem to be in as much pain now and has stopped shaking. How long should I give it to her? I think someone said like 5 days. Is that right? I put the providone-iodine solution, 10% on her foot last night and tonight after her bath (We should be able to get the decolorized iodine tomorrow). When I checked her foot today it was fairly dry and had started to peel. Is that normal/good? How often should I apply the Iodine? Should I still be giving her epsom salt soaks and/or applying Neosporin? And last but not least, should I be wearing gloves to mess with her? I'm planning on using them if/when she gets scabs, but I`ll certainly put them on now if I should.
Go back and read post #11 again. It's all there. 5-7 days on the Duramycin. I didn't use epsom salts, nor did I use the neo. You're using the betadine too much as well. As I said, every few days, not every day. The reason for this...iodine can build up to toxic level in the body if used too heavily and too often. If you follow the instructions in #11, you will not do that and everything will clear up fine. When I was a kid, the iodine bottle used to have a skull and cross bones on it. Even though the stuff we can get now is nowhere near as strong as it used to be, it's still strong enough to cause problems if not used correctly. Especially in your little duck! Skin burns are another thing that can happen with over use and covering the iodine after it's applied. I don't recommend it, the iodine is going to provide all the protection from contaminants your bird will need.

Gloves are optional, washing your hands before and after with an antibacterial soap is not. I can't feel well enough with the gloves on, so I do not use them. Anything you will use on this duck's feet needs to be clean and sanitized, even if only with soap and hot water. Better would be the washing, followed with a soaking of rubbing alcohol as well.
Ok, thanks. Yeah, I should have read that a few more times...
Definitely don't want to poison my ducky! Thankfully though, I don't think I hurt her and she's already starting to look/act better!

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