Limping duck


Yesterday afternoon, a noticed one of my ducks limping. I checked all over both feet and legs, and couldn't find anything. No sores, wounds, or bumbles. No swelling or hotness, either. I washed off her feet to be sure. Today she started limping worse, and again I checked her feet and legs. Nothing. She gets a niacin supplement, so I'm pretty positive it isn't a niacin issue. I thought maybe my drake was being too rough when mating, so I emptied out their pool yesterday. I had them separated for a while, too. I put them back together since my drake was throwing a fit. A vet is not an option, at least not at the moment. If it continues to get worse, it is a possibility, although I don't think there are any vets near me that will treat her. I hate seeing her hurt. Any help is greatly appreciated. I can get pictures of her feet in the morning. Thanks in advance.
Put in another female. It may help

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