Limping Hen

Beadie eye

In the Brooder
Dec 8, 2015
I don't know if there is much that can be done about it, but one of my hens has started to limp heavily. The foot looks normal size no obvious injury. What if anything can I do?
I had a similar issue with one of my hens which looks like she really should be on diet. I used to lift her down from her roost every morning in order to try not aggravating her limp. I did this for 2 weeks before deciding to reduce the height of the roosts to around 2ft. I now let her get down on her own and her limp has gone. Most of my flock are heavy birds so I figured lowering the roost would be better for all of them - they have the flying prowess of a brick :D

Hi CTKen,
I don't have the same situation as you, mine are not heavy and this particular one prefers to roost in a cat transport box rather than a perch so no jumping down for her. Thanks for you response though.
Hi, sorry I couldn't be of help. Do you think there's a small thorn or splinter in her foot - they can be difficult to spot.

Good luck

How old is she? If she is under a year old you might want to research Marek's disease. I can fill you in with more details of my experience of it if you think that might be it.... it's extremely common and widespread and easily contracted. If you have young birds that were not vaccinated at hatch, they are at risk of it particularly at times of stress which is usually hormonal imbalance as they approach point of lay, harassment from young cockerel(s) or change of environment.

Hope it's not that but no good burying your head in the sand as many people do, if it is.

Best wishes

thanks to all who answered by query. As time has gone on the hen in question has slowly got better of her own accord, she is now ok.

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