Limping hen


9 Years
May 20, 2012
I have hen that for the last 2 days has been limping, not wanting to put any weight on her leg/foot. I've looked at her can not see any cuts or anything, I've touched her leg from toe to thigh and got no sign of pain but still doesn't want to walk. I know there could be a ton of things wrong just wondering if anyone has any ideas of what I can do to help her heal? I've heard I could give aspirin? Anyone heard or done this? If so how and how much? Thanks so much ;)

P.S. it's my daughters chicken so puttin her down is my last option :(
I would let her be. Leg injuries are common and usually heal on their own with no intervention. You can use aspirin if you want but it is not necessary and of limited value. I'll go find the dosage for you. BRB.

It's one 325 mg aspirin crushed and put into one gallon of water. I hope this helps.
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