Limping peacock


Free Ranging
17 Years
Jan 26, 2007
central Ohio
Hello. Sapphire is 10 years old and has been limping off and on for the past couple of years. Lately it is a bit worse. I am pretty sure it is the result of some old injury. I can't see any sign of inflammation, swelling, or anything in his foot or leg. He acts like the pain is in his foot, but there's nothing to see. He is eating well and gets around OK, seems pretty cheerful, but obviously in pain and I would like to give him some Meloxicam to see if that helps. I've been giving him a baby aspirin a day, and that does seem to help a little, but I'm reluctant to give him a lot of aspirin.

What would be the Meloxicam dose for him? He weighs about 10 pounds.
Meloxicam comes as 1.5 mg/ml and 0.5 mg per ml, which one do you have?

The most common dose seems to be ~0.227 mg per pound of bodyweight. So if he weighs 10 pounds he would get 2.27 mg once a day.

If you have the 1.5 mg/ml stuff give 1.5 ml once a day
If you have the 0.5 mg/ml stuff give 4.5 ml once a day

If you human tablets it will be very difficult to give it safely. It can be done, so let us know if that's what you have.
Meloxicam comes as 1.5 mg/ml and 0.5 mg per ml, which one do you have?

The most common dose seems to be ~0.227 mg per pound of bodyweight. So if he weighs 10 pounds he would get 2.27 mg once a day.

If you have the 1.5 mg/ml stuff give 1.5 ml once a day
If you have the 0.5 mg/ml stuff give 4.5 ml once a day

If you human tablets it will be very difficult to give it safely. It can be done, so let us know if that's what you have.
No I got it from our ver for our rooster. Have some left over I'll check.
He gave me Meloxidyl and the directions indicate 0.3 ml per 10 lbs of body weight. He's only had one dose but i don't see it doing much to touch his pain. I'll see what tomorrow brings. Since it's Meloxidyl, apparently there lies the dosage difference.
He gave me Meloxidyl and the directions indicate 0.3 ml per 10 lbs of body weight.
Did the vet tell you to give a 10 pound bird that amount or are you just following the directions on the box? The directions on the box are for dogs, not peafowl, and peafowl get more.
He's only had one dose but i don't see it doing much to touch his pain
I'm not surprised, it's way less than what both @KsKingBee were told to use.
Since it's Meloxidyl, apparently there lies the dosage difference.
Meloxidyl or Metacam, doesn't matter, both are meloxicam, and I bet the stuff you have is the same stuff I have, 1.5 ml/ml
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