Limping/Weak but still acts energetic, help!


9 Years
Feb 4, 2014
Carroll County, MD
This chicken has me puzzled! I have about a 1.5-2 year old Buff Orpington. She’s always been very petite for a BO but I’ve never had any issues until now. I did call a vet yesterday who occasionally sees chickens and I’m waiting on a call back to see when they can look at her - I just don’t know when that will be, so turning to BYC For now! She’s been quarantined since Sunday (so 5 days) and has not really declined but hasn’t gotten any better.

About a week ago I noticed her limping around the yard and a few times she would kind of wedge herself between the coop and the cans we have for feed. It looked like more of a limp and that she was favoring the right leg - those toes are curling under sometimes and just seem weak. I could not find any signs of injury or bumble foot. She’ll still stand and hobble around but loses her balance.

THIN - She’s always been small and lightweight. Her keel is really sticking out so that’s concerning to me.

MITES - I did notice some mites on her and treated with Elector PSP. Not sure if they just came about since she’s sick.

EATING/DRINKING - She is drinking a lot And I’ve been giving her poultry cell. She’s not super interested in her crumble feed but gobbles down certain things (scratch, fruit, spaghetti, treats).

STOOL - watery/green

CROP - This is why I want someone to look at her. I thought it was emptying fine but now I feel like it is just way large on her tiny body. It’s pretty firm and when I checked it this morning it didn’t feel much different than it did last night. Could crop issues cause the limping (since it’s the same side she’s favoring)??

Is there anything I can rule out? I know some of these signs look like Marek’s but I’m still not fully convinced of that yet.


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What was wrong with your poor girl? My girl is doing the same thing and has the exact same symptoms!! I can’t figure it out either!
What was wrong with your poor girl? My girl is doing the same thing and has the exact same symptoms!! I can’t figure it out either!
This thread is a bit old and the OP has not been on in a while, so they likely will not respond.

As for what was wrong with the OP's hen? They will have to reply, but from the symptoms that were described - 2 problems needed to be addressed, but there could be more going on, but 2 things reported were Mites and a Crop that was not emptying.

Here's your thread, we'll take a look at it.
This thread is a bit old and the OP has not been on in a while, so they likely will not respond.

As for what was wrong with the OP's hen? They will have to reply, but from the symptoms that were described - 2 problems needed to be addressed, but there could be more going on, but 2 things reported were Mites and a Crop that was not emptying.

Here's your thread, we'll take a look at it.
Thank you, my bird was/had the same symptoms. She’s not eating, sits all day, and it seems like her legs are going out/every time she stands up she falls back down and starts laying on her side
When was her last egg?

Address the crop not emptying - this article will walk you through it

Hopefully you will be able to get the mites eliminated.

If you vet can run a fecal float to see if she needs wormed, this would be great.

Work on keeping her hydrated.
As for the egg , I’m not sure she hasn’t laid any since she’s been sick. At first I thought she was egg bound but I didn’t feel anything up her vent/ underneath and I’ve been giving her baths with Epson salt.


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I normally feed her chicken feed and table scraps eggs, mashed potatoes, corn, green beans, whatever I cook. Yes, her poop is really watery and green. It’s almost so green it’s black but yes I’ll post some pics
You also posted photos in the above post I quoted.
The poop is abnormal looking to me.

I'd focus on her eating chicken feed, but out the treats except for the eggs for now.

If possible, I'd start her on an antibiotic to see if she improves. Amoxicillin would be a good choice.
Her stance, she looks like she may be bloated or has some fluid in the abdomen below the vent between her legs. Can you tell us what that's like?
You also posted photos in the above post I quoted.
The poop is abnormal looking to me.

I'd focus on her eating chicken feed, but out the treats except for the eggs for now.

If possible, I'd start her on an antibiotic to see if she improves. Amoxicillin would be a good choice.
Her stance, she looks like she may be bloated or has some fluid in the abdomen below the vent between her legs. Can you tell us what that's like?
I have started her on amoxicillin, her abdomen feels full, but not really bloated
My hen is doing the same thing. Wondering if she could have a weak leg?? She’s had this issue for months, thought it was due to abnormally lg feet. Wobbles around, but never had issues getting inside coop. Had no real issues/problems, until weather started to get cold.
Found her just before nite fall, lying on ground, wings partially spread, feet & underbelly cold. Brought her inside. Had husband wrap & hold her, while I got plastic crate filled w/hay. She receptive to food & water.
She’s was weak or lethargic, but alert. Of course, it is way past her bedtime. I know she ate earlier. I ‘guard’ her, when they’re eating. Her sister bullies her away from food. (sister only one of 4 not coming out of molt).
As for eggs, NOT ONE of them have laid an egg since Aug, when neighbor helped pull 6’rat snake out of coop. Chickens refused to come out, due to it being dark. This one, w/trouble standing on limb, sleeps in bk of coop, where snake was. Even before, egg #’s had dIminished dramatically. From 2-3 daily (@1st of yr) to nearly nothing, until we changed feed in Jun/July. Then snake in Aug.
Since she got warm & I believe feels secure for nearly 2 hrs, still alert. Leaving her alone for now, to rest.

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