Link to telling sex of Rhode Island Red Rooster and Hens

Looks like you have 4 roosters for sure. If their is a black stripe on their heads, than their hens. Hope this helps.
The five around or closest to the leg horn definitely look like roos (just like the two roos I thought were hens from last summer pics), or you can Google "feather sexing RIR's" and maybe you can get a better idea. The one top righr of all in the pic looks like a hen but unsure of the top left one bc can't really see in pic. Good luck.
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I'm a first time chick owner. They are 3 weeks old now, and came sexed from the hatchery. One looks quite different. Over the past few days I have noticed more differences between "her" and the other 2. She is quite a bit bigger, but less feathered. She stands different, more curious, and protective of the smaller ones. Please let me know if you think I have a little roo in my midst.
An original study by Byerly and Quinn (1936)  said that the stripe/spot head method for RIR was an average of 82% acccuracy. I at one time only raised RIR and pulled from straight run batches. Only using this method. I ended with all pullets. I think the theory should be that males can NOT have the stripe/spot on their head. Where as pullets may or may not have the marks. So any RIR chick with marking should be pullet, although non marked chicks may also be pullets, just not bearing the simple tell-tale markings.

I know this is an old thread. But, our RIR had a very clear stripe. I'm seeing small spurs developing. I have heard some hens can grow spurs. But, would like to know what you all think.
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