Link to telling sex of Rhode Island Red Rooster and Hens







These are my chicks. I don't really know how to tell if it's a hen or a rooster. Kind of new to this. Im wanting hens. So if anyone could help me out that would be great.
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I bought mine at orscheln's, a store much like TSC. They get their birds from Estes hatchery. We will see how they turn out. All were supposed to be pullets and have the stripe but I wish I knew this U of Missouri study on sexing with feathers someone posted earlier in the thread. The best picture I found was this one comparing primary feathers to each other. Can only be done on day-olds they say.
Have RIR hatching now. Not direct hatchery birds. I have some from Orscheln's from a fry pan. Pulled striped chicks but seeming to be more male looking at 5 weeks. I am thinking that hatchery crossing (Previous generations for vigor etc.) may impare the striped sexing method. Will be tagging and tracking all my hatched birds to see if theres notable difference in stripe/non-stripe sexability.
I'm a little late to this thread. It seems the last msg was posted last summer. My last batch of straight run RIRs began to exhibit some interesting characteristics after about 4 to 4 1/2 weeks. There were fundamentally two groups (which made me think secondary sexual characteristics):

Group One:
1. Less pronounced (proto)comb
2. Longer tail feathers (no upward curl)
3. Less aggressive at feeder

Group Two:
1. More pronounced (proto)comb
2. Short tail feathers (slight upward curl)
3. More aggressive at feeder

I'm still watching them, but I think group one are all pullets and group two are all cockerels. I'm still watching them. As of today (Jan22) they are only 7 weeks age. The characteristics have remained constant however.
You all have wonderful information....but now I am second guessing myself. Please excuse the leghorn lol....but can anyone see what I have......


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