List of Breed abbreviations

Those links don't have a list of JUST breed abbreviations, so I understand the OPs point in asking this question. At times, I too have found that I want to know which breed an abbreviation is referring to in a thread and have thought that it would be nice to be able to pull up a list of breed abbreviations only. (Perhaps a compliation of breed abbreviations on this thread will result in a link on the FAQs page some day!)
This is great... I was hoping someone would do this.
Took me a while to figure out who DH, DW, DD, etc. were. lol
so far...

RIR=rhode island red
BO= buff orpington
SLW=silver laced wyandotte
BLRW=blue laced red wyandotte
GLW=Gold laced Wyandotte
EE = Easter Egger
BR- Barred Rock
SS- Speckled Sussex, & my initials
BA- Black Australorp
CW-Columbian Wyandotte
SF- Salmon Faverolle
BCM - Black Copper Maran
OEGM - Old English Game Bird
SPPR - Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock
Cx - Cornish Cross
BSL - Black Sex Link
SSH=Silver Spangled Hamburg
BSM=Blue Splash Marans
OE=Olive Egger
JG=Jersey Giant
NHR=New Hampshire Red
BOSS=Big Ol' Silver Sebright ?

... just "quote" and add on...
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