List of supplies to have on hand when brooding chicks?

Thanks, not really what I'm looking for. I want a list of things to have on hand, such as eye dropper, Nutridrench, cotton balls, etc...
Thanks, not really what I'm looking for. I want a list of things to have on hand, such as eye dropper, Nutridrench, cotton balls, etc...

So "medical stuff" then?

Nutri-drench or sav-a-chick type powdered electrolytes/vitamins. Maybe Corid (depending on what you're feeding/how you're raising them). I don't see a real need for anything else as far as brooding chicks.
my "chicken first aid kit" includes:
Save a chick probiotics
Save a chick electrolytes
Hydro-hen 3 in 1 - electrolyte, probiotics, acidifier mix
Durvet Vitamins and Electrolytes for all poultry

(I know, I have way too many Electrolytes...:th)

Rooster Booster poultry wound spray
Vetericyn + spray
Rooster Booster pick no more
Charcoal capsules
325 mg Asprin Tabs
VetRX respiratory aid
Safe Gaurd Dewormer for goats
Petroleum Jelly
Super glue
Corrid (amprolium) Powder
1ml syringe
I have collected this kit for the last few years, and I haven't needed to use half of the things inside - but they are always nice to have on hand in case of an emergency.
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other than that, for the brooder itself you will need a waterer, feeder, a heat source, and proper ventilation.
I clean out my brooder every other day, depending on how many chicks I have in it at the moment.
I'm currently looking to add B complex, vet wrap, penicillin, and amoxicillin to my first aid kit.
It's also good to have Q tips on hand, as well as Neosporin

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