List your chicken breeds here!!

Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, Partridge Cochin, Buff Brahma bantams, Speckled Sussex, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Golden Laced Wyandotte, Black Australorp, Black Jersey Giant, Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, Buff Orpingtons, Black and Red Sex-Links, Easter Eggers, a Bielefelder, and a bunch of mixes.
These are all the breeds I've had (that i can think of).
Desperately wanted breeds are : Appenzeller Spitzhaubens, Crested Cream Legbars, Penedesencas, BBS English Orpingtons, BBS Ameracaunas, Golden and Silver Spangled Hamburgs, Golden and Silver Campines, Heritage Barred Rocks, Cochin Bantams, and Lakenvelders.
BBS = Blue/Black/Splash.
1 welsummer, 2 buff brahmas, 1 blue copper maran, 1 black copper maran, 1 easter egger, 1 americauna, 1 exchequer leghorn, 1 partridge penedesenca, 1 barred rock, 2 olive eggers (one is blue copper maran x blue americauna, the other is blue copper maran x cream legbar), then I have five mutts (barnyard mixes). I used to have black cochins too. They were terrible layers/roosters but amazingly sweet, silly, and beautiful birds.

Edited to add I forgot my polish girl, Poppy! She's my avatar pic.
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Breeds I have:
Brown leghorn
Olive egger
Cuckoo maran
Sapphire gem
Barred rock
Lavender orpingtons
Buff Orpington
Silver and gold laced wyandotte
Black Jersey giant
Cornish X (meat bird)

My favorite breeds I have are
Black and blue ameraucanas, they are sweet, lay blue eggs and very pretty.
Flarry eye grays are my favorite breed I’ve ever had. Extremely smart, stunning birds, great personalities and the funniest birds I’ve ever had.

I really want these:
Ayam ketawas (their crow sounds like a humans laugh)
Barbu de watermaul
American games
Liege fighters
Buff Orpington-She's a sweetheart and is extremely friendly and fluffy (light brown eggs)

Australorp-She's beautiful and sleek. I think they're supposed to be friendly, but ours is rather standoffish (average brown eggs)

Easter Egger-She lays nice blue-green eggs and has an AWESOME beard. She's pretty hardy as a mixed breed and is tough as a nut!

Also, if you'd like to know the abbreviations, SS is Speckled Sussex, RIR is Rhode Island Red, and EE is Easter Egger
Buff Orpington-She's a sweetheart and is extremely friendly and fluffy (light brown eggs)

Australorp-She's beautiful and sleek. I think they're supposed to be friendly, but ours is rather standoffish (average brown eggs)

Easter Egger-She lays nice blue-green eggs and has an AWESOME beard. She's pretty hardy as a mixed breed and is tough as a nut!

Also, if you'd like to know the abbreviations, SS is Speckled Sussex, RIR is Rhode Island Red, and EE is Easter Egger
Thanks, i can never understand the abbreviations!

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