List Your Top 3 Mistakes............

I have the same problem...
They even come up to the screen door & chirp at me when they want a treat now. We're working on a fence so that they will only have half of the backyard to poop on.
This is a great category.
1. Not building the coop big enough, and A frame tractors do not provide protection from the weather.
2. Not realizing that a mail order pullet comes debeaked.
3. Not building the coop big enough.
SpottedCrow: well, waiting for the change from your $20 is quite something too!

It was a sad/funny day when one of our neighbors knocked on the door, holding a chicken, and said something to the effect of--- Umm a coconut fell and smashed it flat. Can I eat it for dinner now?
1. Not realizing a chick can be pulled through a 1"x2"'s ugly but they do go through it.

2. Trusting the dog was a huge mistake!

3. Not having the coop/run built before getting the birds, or at least having the materials for it. The cost adds up faster than we thought.
1. Getting a dog
2. Taking my employee's chickens=mean things with no personality whose egg laying talent is questionable.
3. Feed store chickens, not exactly what I want.

Glad I don"t have falling coconuts her, unless a swallow should drop one!!
1. Wish I had not ordered straight run on my hatchery chicks.

Paying a little extra to have the breeds I wanted sexed would definitely be worth it. (I only had my brahmas and my blue cochins sexed). I hatched chicks too so that alone gave me enough roosters for the flock and the freezer.

2. Stick with just chickens,atleast in the very beginning. Add only one breed/type of poultry at a time.

It had been many years since I had poultry and I had forgotten a lot of what a hassle it can be at times. Multiply that by chickens (standard and bantam), turkeys, guineas, and runner ducks all brooding inside at once.... lol.

For me I don't think the turkeys are cost effective. They waste a lot of feed with scratching etc...Totally free ranging hasn't worked for them because they refuse to not sleep unless they are with the chickens.

The runner ducks are mud freaks and aren't content unless they have mud to play in... go figure. Yet I still have the urge to have muscovies for next season... I'm a sick woman. Although I will say the runners lay nice BIG eggs!!

The rest of the family hates the's the sound they make. I only had a pair and lost the female who was by far my noisier as she called a lot to the male. But as we all know any change in surroundings makes the guinea freak out and sound the

3. Not being able to just stick to one or two breeds of chickens. Just pick a favorite and stick with that rather than have sooooo many different kinds. I am sooooo weak !!

1. checking ordinance laws after i got my chickens and now having them stay at my sisters boyfriends farm when my neighbor has city contractors over.

2.realizing i cant set snares because i would end up catching my neighbors cat and it would die :eek:
(human pee works as a predator deturant as well as your dogs pee)

3. not building everything befor i got chickens

(kind of hard to do when you just decide to get them one day from your friends farm and suprise your parents so they cant say no)

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