Little Giant Hatch Along

good luck! btw love your signature line lol

I have a LG with auto turner, still air. Im giving the dry hatch method a go, this is my first time hatching, I have 29 eggs in, nothing too valuable this time, just in case

I have 4 thermometers and 2 hygrometers, they are pretty consistent with each other, except the hygrometers. my digital reads like 30 to 35%, and the more basic one says 50%! yikes. my temps are good, slightly low, like 100-101, is that ok? i hear slightly low is better then too high, but i thought id bounce it off you guys. My eggs have only been set for 24 hours exactly. This is too fun!
It really is fun! I'm on my 2nd hatch and I'm officially addicted. One of the lady's I got eggs from for this hatch always incubates the first 18 days at 50%.. I keep mine around 40ish %. Did you calibrate your digitals? When I did mine it was reading 3% low. Your temps seem fine to me. I'm definately no expert though! I've read that they can just be a little late if temps are lower.
I'll join in the hatch-a-long. I'm on day 1, I set them yesterday. Have my LG turner full with a mixed set of eggs including, EE, Ameraucana, RSL, and more.

I read somewhere to use a syringe full of water and slide a bendy straw onto the end of it. then you can direct the water where you want it without opening the top. The bendy part should even slide in one of the tiny holes on top. I may have made mine just a smidge bigger for it to fit perfectly.

Works good!
There is a ton to learn!! I just candled my 8 day eggs - three of them had blobs floating around ........didn't see any veins. I think these are bad. I need pics of bad eggs! All the pics I see are of good eggs or a clear egg......
With still airs people swear at 101 F at the top of eggs. The temp varies with hieght in incubator so easy to measure at top of eggs if full and hold 101 F.

I set 15 BBS Rocks the 21st. Little nervous that 3 eggs candled at random last night did'nt show any veins.
Will try again tomorrow with a stonger light.
Now I am a little bit ( a lot) nervous.

Who used the thermometer that came with the LG. I have two because I bought the egg turner. I knew I needed a hydrometer and went to town today to get one.

And, I got carried away and bought another like the LG's. Plus the hydrometer, plus a plan ole digital thermometer. Overkill.

Now I am a little bit more nervous. I set my eggs late on the 22 after spending the day heating it up and checking all through the day. The darn thing seems to hold it temp really weel. Everytime I checked they both read 99.5 and 100.5.

So I bring in the new ones. One I lay on the eggs like the two LG's. Then I go to put batteries in the others.

I put the sensor in the hole where the red plug was.....and watched it climb.

Hydrometer was 105.5
Lg 99.5
Lg 100.5
other one is setting at 100

Now what the heck. I kept reading about the difference in temps on different ones. One person said she did not like the digital. I got it for the humidity reading.
Help.....have I cooked my eggs??????

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