Little Giant Hatch Along

if you are only getting one reading that is high then don't worry about it.

BTW did you make sure to calibrate the temp/hydro before placing it in the bator. This way you know how far off the readings are
congrats! That's awesome! I sure do hope all 31 of mine hatch! They aren't due til April I guess I have a while to wait!

I hope they do too

It gives you time to prepare for them

Good luck !

Here are some of the pictures I took I was using my web cam my cell phone even after deleting everything off it is saying memory full I have to buy more for it soon.

Mixed all together are the day olds and the 1 weeks

Tub One


Tub Two

Tub Three

Tub Three Video
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Wow I love this thread! Anticipation is killing me. This mourning marked the beginning of day 3. I wanna put them in the oven at 350 and speed them lol just kidding. Im a little confused as to what to look for for day 4 candeling. Should I see distinctive veins? I see the red blob (blood island) now but should I be seeing more? Thanks
On day for depending the color of your eggs I wouldn't expect to see a whole lot, for darker eggs try candling around day 10.
Unless they are white or light brown of course then you make see a dot with veins.

What color are your eggs?
No on the calabrate thing. Although perhaps I have done it now by accident. Put battery in, put the sensor in and it read really high. Took it out and checked the other thermometer that I have in that room and looked at the digital thermostat for the heat and air. Those two were really close. Then I just let the sensor hang in the room for a while. Went back in and put it back in the bator and now it is reading 100.7....I am good with that. Humidity is/was 36% but that is okay for now in the early stages. Right, maybe?
No on the calabrate thing. Although perhaps I have done it now by accident. Put battery in, put the sensor in and it read really high. Took it out and checked the other thermometer that I have in that room and looked at the digital thermostat for the heat and air. Those two were really close. Then I just let the sensor hang in the room for a while. Went back in and put it back in the bator and now it is reading 100.7....I am good with that. Humidity is/was 36% but that is okay for now in the early stages. Right, maybe?

I think 36% is probably fine. Most of what I read says 30-40%. Theres a few threads on here about how to calibrate digital's one of them: I did the same as you for the temp. Just set it on the house thermastat for comparison.
These are my white leghorn eggs im candeling. They r breeding with my beautiful rir roo for my red stars. I also have my brown ones (nhr cross with the rir too) along with my light brown bantys. I indeed will candle those ones at a later date. Im just nervous about the progress, like any parent would be
Make a little ice water bath and reassure yourself that your non digital thermometers are reading correctly at 32 F. They will read what ever off that calibration right on through the scale. So if 31F in ice water than will read 99 F at 100.
I'm in! This will be my third hatch from my LG, forced air, turner. The first hatch I had 80 percent, second hatch was mostly shipped eggs and I only got 47 percent but I had problems with humidity and lost 9 chicks just before hatch. This time I am setting 17 shipped Buckeye eggs - they came through the USPS in terrific shape - and 23 of my own NH eggs. I have added a piece of tubing that I used for my breathing machine for my asthma flares. I have the tubing rigged through one of the vent holes and ran it underneath the turner and right into the reservoir. I have been experimenting using a syringe to fill it and know just about how much will raise the humidity up to 40 percent. That is where I kept the humidity for my first hatch that turned out so well. I have a reptipro thermometer and hygrometer in the bator too. These Buckeye eggs are real precious to me so I am hoping for the best of the best!!!!!
Yay, Good luck sounds like you have everything figured out.

Some times we have to run a few test trials before we finally get 100% you will do it


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