Little Giant Hatch Along

Make a little ice water bath and reassure yourself that your non digital thermometers are reading correctly at 32 F. They will read what ever off that calibration right on through the scale. So if 31F in ice water than will read 99 F at 100.

I can do on the ice water thing.....will try that!
Make a little ice water bath and reassure yourself that your non digital thermometers are reading correctly at 32 F. They will read what ever off that calibration right on through the scale. So if 31F in ice water than will read 99 F at 100.

I can do on the ice water thing.....will try that!

Good luck BBurn
Good luck!! Hope you get lots of sweet little chicks! I'm on my 2nd hatch..1st one didn't go so my fingers are crossed for both of us!
I can do on the ice water thing.....will try that!

Good luck BBurn

Thanks....these are mine and my DGD's eggs. From our mixed flock, our BR's and the Cochins. We lost Big Momma to a racoon who has since gone the way of the wild goose, but we had some of her eggs setting on the table. My DH always kept them separate when he brought them in so I could see who laid what. He went through all of them and picked out the cochins....he is probably pretty much right. Plus one EE blue egg that is my DGD's personal chicken egg. My DH rushed out and bought the incubator for me so if just half hatch that will be more than we need but not as many as we Am going to go do the ice water thing to the hydrometer and another thermometer and see what I get.
Nervous nelly here.....
Good luck!! Hope you get lots of sweet little chicks! I'm on my 2nd hatch..1st one didn't go so my fingers are crossed for both of us!

Good luck Lroach, I am on my 3rd hatch now 42 eggs on day 3 so far , will be setting again another 42 eggs on the 2nd of April

We now have 72 chicks total
this is so fun .......

I try to set the max of 42 so that when I lose some that aren't fertile it isn't a big loss.
Love the pictures
They are so cute when they are little. Just thru 1 more egg out no veins to be seen. I even cracked it to make sure
I have 1 marans egg I m not sure about as I can't see thru the shell. I can see movement in the silkie eggs
How does the dry air work? Do you not put any water in at all? What do you do when it comes to lock down? Sorry for all the questions but would love to find out about it.

This shows pictures of bad eggs. I tried to get pictures of my but my camera does a horrible job
I am on day 7 with the Little Giant hatchalong. I put 10 in and candled them this evening and I am pretty sure all 10 are fertile. I took 1 out because it had a small crack in it. It must have been cracked when I put it in because I haven't touched them since I put them in. I have an egg turner.
Thats right the full 17 days I don't add any water at all...

Then on day 18 when I put them in the LG Hatcher I fill up all the canals, and add towels, maxi pads, socks anything that will hold water I place them under the vent holes So I can stick a straw in and spit water in as needed.

I keep humidity at 75 %
I try to keep temps between 99.5 and 101. degrees

I also have in there a fish tank thermometer , I have the digital one too but it always never fails it goes hay wire towards the end of the incubation - lock down days it made me so crazy all the time but the Fish tank thermometer never moved and it was more reliable for me.

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