Little Giant Hatch Along

97 is no big deal; I wouldn't worry.

Youngbiddy, I am sorry to hear that
What stunk was this egg was the first one with movement. Every time I would candle this little chick was doing flips in it's egg, and the next day nothing. I waited 3 days but it was a quieter, there was no blood rind.

Girl, we need to think of a nickname for you. I don't think I can type allaboutyoupetsitting every time.

I've got that same worry about one of my Lav Orps. The air cell must be a third of the egg; it's made me gasp both times I've seen it. Yet that little baby is moving around in there..for now, anyway.
Well I candled again day 13/14. To my surprise an egg I thought was not going to develop from day 11 candling has started to look good. If it was only the penciled ? on it I'd not feel so like a monkey's uncle; had tossed it in garbage and took it out becouse the 10 year old was sad about it. Dang! How'd she know?

Seriously, had 3 questionable and 1 too pourous to see, now they all look good....could it be a 100% hatch first try? OH, I doubt it but happy none the less. Be checking all before lock down as have read horror stories about exploding eggs last few days.
97 is no big deal; I wouldn't worry.

Youngbiddy, I am sorry to hear that
What stunk was this egg was the first one with movement. Every time I would candle this little chick was doing flips in it's egg, and the next day nothing. I waited 3 days but it was a quieter, there was no blood rind.

Girl, we need to think of a nickname for you. I don't think I can type allaboutyoupetsitting every time.

I've got that same worry about one of my Lav Orps. The air cell must be a third of the egg; it's made me gasp both times I've seen it. Yet that little baby is moving around in there..for now, anyway.

I do need a nickname
allaboutyoupetsitting is our pet sitting business
They will make it don't give up on them. I have had that happen to me many times and they still hatched

Just get back to the way things are suppose to be and it will all go smoothly .........
We now have 89 eggs in the incubator, first batch is due the 16th second batch is due the 23rd and on top of all that I have 11 under a broody due on the 9th lol.

We are going to be over run with baby chicks over the next few weeks
I'm also on day three with silkies, my humidity is 40 without adding water and I keep reading that you do not need water the first 18 days. Then I read other sites that say water first 18 days at 30 to 40 % ? I have steady temps and humidity the whole 3 days plus the test week. Am I ok, first timer...
Thanks for the encouragement!

It is back up to 99*F so I hope it will be okay. We have the back door open and I think I might have to close it though. It is very warm outside, but not so warm in the house yet.

Now I can't wait till night time so I can candle to make sure they are okay.
They will be fine, last year I had a broody hen that gave up a week before they were due to hatch. The eggs were without heat for at least 8 hours until I got another broody to take her place. It turned out to be a great hatch!
what will everyone do after your FIRST hatch?

Will you hatch some more or what??

I am trying to decide, but won't know for sure until after this hatch and it all depends on how many we get out of the definate 16 and it depends on how many females we end up with.

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