Little Giant Hatch Along

artathart - Please get a fish tank glass thermometer I promise the digital thermometer is going to drive you insane, it did me last year fluxed all over the place.

I have a digital with probe it does still move all over, but I also have the glass thermometer in there and it has made a world of difference it shows much more steady temps.

Once you have the setting you desire leave it there for 1 hour or more without adjusting remember as your eggs progress they will produce their own heat and the only adjusting you may have to do is to turn it down.

Try dry hatching - No water until day 18 don't even focus on the humidity at all until day 18. After that bump it up to 65 - 70 %

You will get 100 % hatch rate if you follow these directions.

Good luck
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Have a question, hope someone can help me? Also an update.....

I'm having trouble figuring out what day I'm on? I put them in on March 29th around 8 AM, so is today day 10 or day 9? I've been counting it as day 10 because we set them early in the morning.

I started with 24 BCM and 5 Welsummer eggs and finally candled them this morning. I had one egg that I was worried about because clear yellow liquid was seeping out of it, and it had a tiny crack in it. We also had 2 that had no development, and the rest look good and are developing. So, Me and the kiddo decided to open the eggs, and see if anything had happened, and observe what was going on inside. The first one's yolk looked like a normal egg, the second one looked like it might have started to develop, then quit days ago. The 3rd egg with the funky liquid and crack....had a baby chick in it
I feel so sick about this, but I thought for sure it was bad. I'm so mad at myself for opening it, even though I think it wouldn't have made it anyway. Now I'm just praying that the other keep doing good, and that my incubator dosen't decide to act up. So far my temps are holding steady and my humidity has been good. I'm keeping my
For the first question, I think it would be day 9.

We have one egg that has been develping well and moving around, but on day 14 I candled and I didn't see any movement, I was going to toss it, but I didn't. I put it back in and then last night I candled just that one again and it was moving. I still have one that I still can't see, I think there is movement, but who knows.

Good luck with rest of your eggs. We go into lockdown tomorrow (Friday) so I am hoping that all goes well.

A friend of mine has lost all of hers, she had 2 left that were suppose to hatch last night or today, I haven't heard anything though.
JenniferMelissa..i would say day ( too..but I am also a newbie at this..never hatched any on my counter before..I"ve had a broody hen a few years ago that helped us along..

Keeping my fingers crossed all is well with the rest of your eggs..

I am going on lockdown tomorrow as well..gosh..I really hope at least a few of my eggs hatch..they were left by a broody hen that was killed a few nights kids are in shambles already..
Ok I'm set up to go with my new LG 9200 with fan and egg turner. My temp is stable and I'm picking up my 20 keri78 eggs tonight (5 different colors)! I haven't read this whole thread yet, hope to tonight. I'm doing dry hatch although I put some water in just to get the humidity to 30. I'm not touching it after that until day 18.

Very excited! I hatched 5 eggs with a friend's LG last year just for fun (4 turned out to be roos!), and I'm ready to try again!
Ok I have something for the more expert hatchers out there I took some eggs a few days ago from my broody I had my daughter with me and I told her only take the ones we candled and that didn't have a date written on them cause the ones I candled looked to be on day 4 , only 2 I didn't candle but still brought them in cause they didn't have a date on them so I knew I didn't put them under my broody hen.

Well today I was on the way to the restroom and I hear this chirp chirp chirp I had to freeze no way a chick could hatch, I didn't even add water in the wells, not 1 drop of water was in my LG incubator and on top of that this is the only one that didn't have a fan in it.

I was going to use it for lock down and switch the new eggs over to the turner as soon as I could.

Well there is a buff orpington chick completely out of its shell in my bator right now and another one is pipped.

How is this possible, i looked at the hygrometer it says 20% humidity inside .........?

Totally weird just when I thought I had everything figured out I am thrown for a loop!
A StormyMoon- Wow. Yea, I have no clue either. Anxious to hear what others say.

I made my adjustments and temps appear to have stablized, and are on target. I'm day 10, and I'm seriously tempted to recandle to see how far along they appear to be. We'll see if I hold out

Here's hoping they hatch on time.

Good luck to everyone going into lockdown tomorrow!

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