Little Giant Hatch Along

I am totally new at incubators but I would think foil would get too hot and prevent air flow around the eggs. I did read somewhere that you can
put cheesecloth under the eggs the last three days, to help with cleanup. Has anyone tried that?
Perhaps I wasn't clear, I meant lining the inside shell of the bator with foil. Like a skin. Just poke holes through it where the air intake/vent holes are and it won't interrupt air flow at all. Just a thought, I haven't tried it yet.
I have a guage but I am also using sponges in mine too the last 3 days and I still have the rocks in for heat. Our humidity is staying around the 74% to 80% right now, but we just had a major storm, so our house may get cool later and affect the humidity, not sure. I am going to keep my hot water and syringe on hand just in case I need to put more water in the sponges.

This is our first hatch, so I have no idea if the extra sponges and rocks are going to have a positive or negative affect.

How many sponges are you using and how many eggs?
I have a guage but I am also using sponges in mine too the last 3 days and I still have the rocks in for heat. Our humidity is staying around the 74% to 80% right now, but we just had a major storm, so our house may get cool later and affect the humidity, not sure. I am going to keep my hot water and syringe on hand just in case I need to put more water in the sponges.

This is our first hatch, so I have no idea if the extra sponges and rocks are going to have a positive or negative affect.

How many sponges are you using and how many eggs?

I am using six 1"x2" sponges (these were extras from my son's writing program. They were whole sponges that I cut into these pieces. We have 17 eggs.
Perhaps I wasn't clear, I meant lining the inside shell of the bator with foil. Like a skin. Just poke holes through it where the air intake/vent holes are and it won't interrupt air flow at all. Just a thought, I haven't tried it yet.

Oh, I thought you meant put the foil on the screen and under the eggs? I meant..the eggs are on the screen, and I would think the screen is there to help with air flow around the eggs and also reflect heat. So if you cover up the screen with foil, that's what I meant about restricting air flow and the foil might reflect TOO much heat and make it too hot in there, plus of course it would block some of the humidity too. .

This is nerve wracking, hehehe.
Perhaps I wasn't clear, I meant lining the inside shell of the bator with foil. Like a skin. Just poke holes through it where the air intake/vent holes are and it won't interrupt air flow at all. Just a thought, I haven't tried it yet.

Thats a good idea I am going to have to try it. youngbiddy don't you go into lock down tomorrow?
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Perhaps I wasn't clear, I meant lining the inside shell of the bator with foil. Like a skin. Just poke holes through it where the air intake/vent holes are and it won't interrupt air flow at all. Just a thought, I haven't tried it yet.

Thats a good idea I am going to have to try it. youngbiddy don't you go into lock down tomorrow?

My thoughts on the foil is to protect the styrofoam from getting contaminates on it....make it easier for clean up. AND.....I would have wet paper towels on the foil....the grate would be above that.

I am just trying to not have a problem with bacteria. That kind of stuff woud soak the cheesecloth and then you would still have the same problem. I am thinking cleaning styrofoam is not really easy. I probably could use the microwave plastic wrap in the bottom instead....just trying to figure it out.............
What state are you in?

We're in VA

ah, was wondering with the storms.....there are some coming our way from out of Kansas and Oklahoma but they don't think they will get all the way down here....hope not....the power outage for no reason on day 14 was about all the stress I could handle!

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