Little Giant Hatch Along

Well, you throw the cheesecloth away after the hatch, you might still have some clean up, but not as much. I actually read that on an incubator website, but can't remember which one

Thats a good idea I am going to have to try it. youngbiddy don't you go into lock down tomorrow?

My thoughts on the foil is to protect the styrofoam from getting contaminates on it....make it easier for clean up. AND.....I would have wet paper towels on the foil....the grate would be above that.

I am just trying to not have a problem with bacteria. That kind of stuff woud soak the cheesecloth and then you would still have the same problem. I am thinking cleaning styrofoam is not really easy. I probably could use the microwave plastic wrap in the bottom instead....just trying to figure it out.............
Officially in lockdown mode!! Just trying to get humidity up. At 51% right now. Let's all pray real hard right now. I'll post pics as soon as anything happens. Gonna be a long 3 days.
Perhaps I wasn't clear, I meant lining the inside shell of the bator with foil. Like a skin. Just poke holes through it where the air intake/vent holes are and it won't interrupt air flow at all. Just a thought, I haven't tried it yet.

Thats a good idea I am going to have to try it. youngbiddy don't you go into lock down tomorrow?

On my Lavender Orps I do! I saw movement in all 6 yesterday; here's hoping!
hoping the lights stay on

I just seen the latest weather up-date on Facebook and we are to have these storms up till 5:00 AM, so it is going to be a long night, wonder if I will get to sleep???
Question? When do you get your brooder ready? I mean when do you turn on your light and warm it up??

I have the litter in there and the digital thermometer and my son put a lovey in today (it is the closes thing he could find to a chicken).
I noticed several people wondering how to get the water to the tray without moving the turner. Here is a suggestion....I took a piece of plastic fishtank tubing,using a ballpoint pen point I rounded the space in the screen in the bottom of the bator directly above the water trough but not interfearing with the turner, I then stuck the tube thru the screen, and snaked it up thru the slot between the cover and base, that is designed for the cord from the turner . btw i also did the same thing with a second tube above the second water trough when I took the turner out at time of lockdown. That way I could fill both troughs without opening the bator durring lockdown. You can use a small funnel to fill the tubes, or you can do what I did. I took a small plastic pill bottle, drilled a hole the size of the tubing in the bottom of it, now when im ready to fill a tube I just slip the tube into the pill bottle hole from the bottom and by filling the pill bottle with warm water, it runs out the bottom thru the tube into the water trough. this has worked out great for me.
hoping the lights stay on

I just seen the latest weather up-date on Facebook and we are to have these storms up till 5:00 AM, so it is going to be a long night, wonder if I will get to sleep???

We have been having a lot of rain and thunderstorms as well. I stay up all night babysitting my LG anyway because we had to load the wood stove tonight so my LG with need constant adjustments. I really hope you do not lose power and if you do, I hope its only for a few minutes.

Brinsea comes on Tuesday.....Brinsea comes on Tuesday.....Brinsea comes on Tuesday.

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