Little Giant Hatch Along

How long have you been in lockdown? I will be a full 24 hours for me at 1 this afternoon. You will have to post pictures! Let us know when it pips!
How long have you been in lockdown? I will be a full 24 hours for me at 1 this afternoon. You will have to post pictures! Let us know when it pips!

We have been in Lockdown since Friday afternoon!
There is a pip and I tried to get a good pic, but you can't see it, it is too small. I posted it in a new post on the 'Incubating and Hatching' board.
My 5 Pekin eggs are still going strong.

But we had a tragic incident the other night. While candling my flashlight lost power so I turned around to get new batteries and my dumb dog Gus stole and egg. I yelled at him and he dropped it and cracked it. Nothing was leaking so I waxed that puppy up and set it back in the bator. 24 hours later I candled again to fine it still floating around having a grand ol time in there. Everyone is still looking good for development and I have some crazy air cells in 2 of them. Kinda scared about those.

14 days in and everyone is still going strong. 14 more days to go.
Somewhere between forever and an eternity.

Unless you're going on your unconcerned spouse's reckoning of time, in which case anywhere between 30 minutes and 30 hours.
We have 2 that have pipped.

These are our day 20 eggs, day 19 eggs haven't done anything yet.

I know what you mean, I had to go to the library and didn't want to leave (DVD overdue, already $2.00 fine, so I figured I better take it back
). Got laundry that needs to get done, but it is in the basement and dishes and a sick child, so he is not getting to enjoy the moment as much as I hoped.
Hopefully tomorrow he will feel better and some fuzzies will be here.

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