Little Giant Hatch Along

Hatching weekend at The Biddies, Act 1, Scene 2.

"Lunch? You want me to make you lunch?! There's the kitchen, it has a fridge, a pantry, a stove and a microwave. You're a full-grown man, you can make yourself something to eat. Can't you see I'm in labor, here?!"
How are your eggs coming?
The Lav Orps haven't pipped yet but they're not due till Tuesday. All 6 had strong movement when I candled them yesterday.

I'm expecting some pips overnight or tomorrow morning...I'll come squeal and jump up and down here when they do.
Ya'll are getting me excited about your eggs and mine rocking and rolling, pipping or peeping here! Maybe it will start tomorrow.

Storms forcast all around us for tonight. I have my handwarmers....the big squares! Am ready if the lights go out! Not ready for a tornado however.......

Good luck to the hatchers!
Ya'll are getting me excited about your eggs and mine rocking and rolling, pipping or peeping here! Maybe it will start tomorrow.

Storms forcast all around us for tonight. I have my handwarmers....the big squares! Am ready if the lights go out! Not ready for a tornado however.......

Good luck to the hatchers!

Praying that the storms are quick and 'nice' to you.

This one that just pipped has not rocked or anything, I couldn't beleive it and I wasn't looking for any in that batch to do anything today. I am very surprised.
Yongbiddy, you had me laughing out loud.....OMGosh I will be the same way and I have my show Boston Terrier due the same day as my silkies are to hatch, oh my......your comment was just funny here it is for who missed.. Thank you for making me laugh ....I'm on day 11 today.

Lunch? You want me to make you lunch?! There's the kitchen, it has a fridge, a pantry, a stove and a microwave. You're a full-grown man, you can make yourself something to eat. Can't you see I'm in labor, here?!"
Fuzzy butts and itty-bitty black and white pups? On the same day?! I don't know if you're qualified to handle that much cuteness, I may have to come over and relieve you of some of it. For your own good. Your head could quite possible explode, you know. Especially if you look at this, too..


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