Little Giant Hatch Along

I have not had any rocking or rolling, or chirping or piping. Hoping for some tho

pistol123, I can come take some cute puppies for your hands
This thread is so great! The more I read about everyone hatching, the more excited I get about my own eggs.

For those of you that have had them hatch, I've seen that you mention that the eggs start to move around. Approx what day do they start doing that, or does it only happen right before they hatch? Do they all move around, or is it only some of them that do that? (Just wondering if I can tell if my eggs made it if there moving)

Also, Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to everyone that's answered any questions I had.
Got a quick question. When I put my eggs on lockdown it said to place them like you incubated them. Eggturner said incubate them pointed side down. When I put them in lockdown I put them in egg cups pointed side down. I have done everything like I have read with no problems in temps and humidity so far. For some crazy reason I have questioned myself on the position of the eggs. Am I just an edgy daddy to be or did I put them in wrong? Someone please make the craziness and nervesnous go away!!
I noticed one of ours on Friday (the 8th) that was beginning to rock in the turner. I was going to wait unitl later that day to take them out, but when I seen that, I thought better not take any chances. So it was only one on day 18 (from my "F" batch) and then another. So mine have been just a few at a time.

We didn't get our first pip till today, day 20 for our "F" eggs, 2 of them have pipped (one is trying to zip I beleive) and then one from our "B" batch has pipped.
My plan was to do the same thing....then I put the paper cartons in there and the eggs were so high that I took the cartons out and laid my eggs down. I may have really messed up....but the tops of the eggs were so close to the heating element that I simply could not risk it....could just see a chick hatching out and pasting it's face against the glass and maybe running into the element!!!! spite of everything I laid mine down....
Wednesday is another lock down this will be hatch number 4 for 2011 for me. and I have another going into lock down next Wednesday ( hatch 5 ) , and after that another on the Wednesday after that. ( hatch 6 ) and well life goes on lol... I will keep hatching til I can't hatch no more

Temps in my house vary from 80 to 90 degrees now and we have been able to keep the bators steady at 100. degrees in my bed room, I wont be putting the AC on until we reach 100. degrees in the house cause we are trying to conserve some energy as long as we possibly can.

I hope everyone has been able to hatch their babies out ..... Good luck everyone!

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