Little Giant Hatch Along

How cool is it to see them move in the egg for the first time?? I find myself enjoying it too much and My husband has to tell me to put the egg back! Mine were dancing for me tonight as well on day 10! It was awesome. I just wanted to get up and
I have have temp issues this whole time and though I think I am getting the hang of this, I think eggs are a lot stronger then we give them credit. I have had temps as low as 96 and as high as 103.5. What day are you on? I went and bought a new brighter flashlight and now I can see in my Maran eggs

I'm on day 14 (as of 4:11 AM)

My maran eggs are getting so dark I can barely see anything anymore, but tonight while candling a few I found another no go. I could clearly see into it, and it looks like it never started to develop at all. This makes egg #4 that wasn't fertile:( I started with 29 eggs and I'm down to 25 now.
We ended up healping our shrinkwrapped little fella last night at about 1am..he/she is still alive but he looks like a preemie..I don't now why I think that but I just do..he is laying on a towel in the bator, so he is finally out of the last pieces of eggshelland membrane..hope it makes it..poor little thing..
Now I am wondering if the last two eggs are simply not ready yet..they haven't pipped yet, but they are very dark with a pretty large is day #22 of my original eggs laytime..but I think a few were added in the beginning of her was hard to know as she (my broody that ended up getting killed while on her eggs on day 14) wouldn't let me check under her..feisty little gal..
When they were candled at day 7 and 14 they looked alive and kicking, just not as far gone (especially on the day# 14 candling)

Should I wait a day or two more?...Anybody have any input??

Added: The "preemie" opened his eyes..his sack, well what I thought was a sack is completely absorbed..but he is just laying there still, breathing good, kicking and opening his mouth every now and then..I think there is still hope for him..
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Congratulations on all your babies!!!
You'all are making me soo excited!!
I'm going to try to set my eggs sometime today. We are going to install a fan in the bator today. If I don't get them in today, it will probably be thurs.
So much to do!! I just want to play with my chickies!
I'm staying glued to this site as much as I can.
All your experiences are so much help!
This thread has gotten so exciting with all the happy hatches!!!! I am getting super excited for mine!! We go into lockdown wednesday,
hoping for the best! Ive got my hatcher set up, high humidity, good temps, now i need to find that quiet place, that relaxed place inside that can let time pass without peeking and peeking all day!

anyone else on day 17? id love a buddy!

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