Little Giant Hatch Along

It will go FAST!!

No, don't cout today, tomorrow at the time you set will be day 1 at least that is what I was told.

Good luck with everything. When we do this again NEXT YEAR I think I will try dry incubation and see how that goes.
Day 23......just came home and two more were hatched.

Started with blood ring, one light bulb and one hatch that I had to cull because of a bad defect.

That made 38.

Get ready.....only 8 left in the incubator!!!! I plan to leave the eggs at least through tomorrow.

Ya'll are gonna think I am nuts....but I did buy a stethoscope a few days ago. I was so unsure when I candled the last time. So, I put it on, use a wash rag to hold it and make sure I am not moving. I can HEAR the chick in the pecking on the shell.

So, I just listened to most that are left in the incubator....not all 8. But could hear the pecking and moving around in them.

Just sayin......

I am not sure I would use it to cull an egg but it does make me feel good to hear something and hope for another pip.

Now....there are 30 fuzzy butts in the brooder....tried to count to check my math.....will get a good count on them later. But talk about cuteness overload....and there are 5 cochin babies in the bunch....very excited about that!!

Good luck patient....and don't give up until you are sure!!!
Has anyone found that their turners have given out on them without realizing it? I bought my LG second hand and have been pleased that it is holding temperature very well, no problems with humidity, but I swear every time I look in there, the eggs are in the same position!

It is one of the older basket style turners, and I tested it separately before use and it was turning, but I'm paranoid that with 42 eggs in there....what if it's not turning!
Questions Folks...

I have one egg left in my has been rockin' and rollin'..but I haven't seen any movements since early this is my day 24..BUT..this egg and another (that hatched through the night) was ( I think..) added a little late to the clutch by hens that HAD to lay in the nest thet the broody hen was in..

How long to I wait before I intervene? Part of me wants to crack a small hole in the shell to see if it is still alive..HELP??

there is a big airsack visible when candled.
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Wait. Eggs have hatched for millions of years without us helping. IMHO

Mine will be on day 23 tonight at 8pm. There are nine eggs left in the incubator out of 38 and one is pipped. I will leave mine two more days. If I listen with the stethoscope and can still hear something in the egg I might wait a little longer. I worry about poking holes in the egg and the chick not being ready to go.

Again....this is IMHO

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