Little Giant Hatch Along

It is her right foot in the picture. All I have is cardboard and tape can I make a little foot splint with that?


Came home from work to find that 15 chicks have hatched. I knew I would miss most of the fun! Cute little fuzzy butts!

Just so you will know not to have really high expectations for an inminent hatch. My pipped one night at 6pm and did nothing by the next moring....then we zipped and hatched finally at 11am. On the other hand another one pipped, and zipped and hatched right in front of me!

So I am saying this: they will get here when they get here.

But it is nothing but amazing and exciting!!!!

Much luck....

i do understand that it will take days for all to be hatched, i was only being a worried first time parent. now the question i have. being that it will take possibly days for all to hatch what do i do? when some are hatched and dried off how do i get them out? i mean there are still others that are in there for lock down, but do i distupt the lockdown stage of the other ones or do i get some out? hope you all follow me
i do understand that it will take days for all to be hatched, i was only being a worried first time parent. now the question i have. being that it will take possibly days for all to hatch what do i do? when some are hatched and dried off how do i get them out? i mean there are still others that are in there for lock down, but do i distupt the lockdown stage of the other ones or do i get some out? hope you all follow me

Shhhh....I am gonna whisper this to you cause I am not sure that you are supposed to do this. I left each chick in the incubator until it got as dry as it was going to get in there. I had my brooder right next to it and I would swoop in and grab the chick and transfer it to the brooder. I just made sure it stayed in there as long as it could. Once they start stirring around they are smashing into other eggs and they sometimes are pipped or zipping....when I got concerned I moved them. The effect on the humidity....I have no idea because I hatched without knowing what it was. As long as there was a little bit of condensation on the windows....just a tiny strip up the side I felt like there was enough in there. I have 32 chicks in the brooder and 6 eggs left that I am going to watch for two more days. But I started moving them because the incubator was full, I was afraid they were going to run into the heating element, and because there were other eggs zipped and they kept flopping on top of them. All is well in my brooder.
If you find out let me know. I know the basics of it but would like to see a thread on it. I had one that simply could not raise up on it's legs at all. That was a tough call. Now I have one that just it's right foot is an issue but she is seeming stronger. Still think that by tomorrow morning I will need to put something on it to keep the toes spread out.

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