Little Giant Hatch Along

We have one that was like that, his/her feathers dried really stiff, I tried a warm cotton ball bath, but he/she still dried stiff again. Nearly a week later he/she is still looking really dry, can still see skin under feathers, what little he has.

If you find another way to help, let me know.
Good Luck
I did too..

Does anyone else have trouble with the chicks not drying out? They hatched fine but some of their down wont "fluff up".

Yes, I did as I took them out and put them in the brooder, in an area sectioned off from the other "broodies", fluffed up within 30 minutes..

My little guy is out, the yolk seems to be all absorbed but the bellybutton are seem rather large so I think he might just had it absorbed, hoping it will close more..he is laying in the bator on a damp warm towel...we named him/her Ginger, as he is golden yellow ..with feathered legs, like his daddy..


Give Ginger some time....all will be well. I had one of the chicks...don't know if it was the last one hatched or the one that took over 24 hrs to finally get out...but it was really small....and foot was gimpy. I decided that by today if I had to I would do the bandage thing. Well, now I can't tell which one he is....that is a good thing. So, maybe just giving him time to work it out was the thing to do. It laid all day yesterday in the little plastic box I have laid on its side in the brooder with a wash rag in it. Every once in a while I would take it out and move it away and it would always end up back in there. Dipped its beak in water a few times.
We now have 37 chicks in the brooder....I went to the farm store to get a new waterer.....they had baby chicks!!!! So, I brought home 5 new EE's since my DGD's blue egg did not hatch. (STEP AWAY FROM THE FARM STORE, NOW!!!) Then we went to the chicken swap this morning and there were COCHIN BABIES.....just what I wanted but would not, could not buy them!!! I ended up with six cochins in my hatch but would have liked to have some different blood in my flock. Will simply have to wait on that! Much luck to everyone still hatching. I still have six eggs in the going to have to make a decision on them this afternoon. No new pips....but I am not up for cracking them open and looking! WHAT do ya'll do?

We had seven in our bator that never pipped, so I wrapped them all up in grocery bags and had hubby to take them to work with him (he works on a sanitation crew) so they went to the landfill.
I just could NOT bring myself to crack them open. We had one that had pipped, but never done anything else.
Meet Ginger...helped out after she got shrinkwrapped..she is our 6th and last chick out of our original clutch.


We have one more egg in there, from a different children wanted it in on 3/4-11 so it has a way to go..when candled a few days ago it was alive and kicking..
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Hi there! ginger is adorable!!! So far all my chicks are black! Still cute, but I love her light color! Anyway, how did you know she was shrinkwrapping? I have my suspicions, on a chick who pipped forever ago! Just thought I might get a little insight from you. Thanks!!
Hi there! ginger is adorable!!! So far all my chicks are black! Still cute, but I love her light color! Anyway, how did you know she was shrinkwrapping? I have my suspicions, on a chick who pipped forever ago! Just thought I might get a little insight from you. Thanks!!

I guess by seeing the pip hole getting larger but the chick was shrinking in the shell, looking a stuck kind of way..once we took it out an looked at it (yes, I took it out and kept it under a lamp for warmth..we could see how it was literally trapping her in the shell..dabbed water on it, careful not to do to much so she'd drown..and back in tha bator she went, we did this a few times over about two hours..when we realized it wasn't helping we carefully peeled some of the shell off above her head area as well some of the membrane..and she slowly puhsed out on her own, again over a few hours time..once out some blood is bound to be vivible, but if done in a very slow manner I think it will work ok..she laid in the bottom part of her shell for a long while as I was worried about the yolk, ..but I think now in retrospect it was already absorbed. She is still in the bator in a cup to keep her still to regain strength..she is getting stronger every hour..​
I guess by seeing the pip hole getting larger but the chick was shrinking in the shell, looking a stuck kind of way..once we took it out an looked at it (yes, I took it out and kept it under a lamp for warmth..we could see how it was literally trapping her in the shell..dabbed water on it, careful not to do to much so she'd drown..and back in tha bator she went, we did this a few times over about two hours..when we realized it wasn't helping we carefully peeled some of the shell off above her head area as well some of the membrane..and she slowly puhsed out on her own, again over a few hours time..once out some blood is bound to be vivible, but if done in a very slow manner I think it will work ok..she laid in the bottom part of her shell for a long while as I was worried about the yolk, ..but I think now in retrospect it was already absorbed. She is still in the bator in a cup to keep her still to regain strength..she is getting stronger every hour..

just remember the veins are in the membrane...that part scares me....

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