Little Giant Hatch Along

To cute!
He's silver! That is soo cute. And people are saying they have never seen anything like mine.

Your little RIR mix looks sort of like our yellow/white ones mixes with our rust color ones.
What sweeties!! LOVE your mystery Chick! I can't wait to see what mine turn out to be. EE roo over EE's, speckled sussex, brown leghorns, and cuckoo marans!

That is quite the mix you are going to have. I love my mutt chicks they are just so darn cute. Not to mention the guessing game of whos mom and dad and what they will look like grown up.

My mystery chick I got out of the Comm Black Pullet bin at TSC. I found that one with a black silkie with my BRs and what I think is a Maran. I call her Caramel because of her colors and she has 5 toes. Just love her
I know me too..we took it very very slow..left it alone if it looked like bleeding would occur..progressed as it calmed down..
The best is if you never have to intervene, but sometimes we do and its best to take it slow.

It's nerve wracking isn't it
Started with 41 and found out that none of the banty eggs were fertle. A few other eggs were not, so I took out 12. Ended up with 29
I now have 8 babies running around, eight pips and 12 more eggs that look promising. It is just day 20! I believe the humidity is running way too high with them hatching so fast and the last one out has quite a bit of egg sack to absorb yet. The humidity has spiked up to 87% so I have opened both red vent plugs. I will watch very carefully so I don't shrink wrap the pipped eggs! This is almost a constant sit by the bator to make sure nothing gets too out of whack!
I am nervous but so happy to see my little babies are popping out and look so nice!
I had to grab out five of the first ones and put into the brooder. They are all fluffed and have started investigating their food and water already! I had my DH help and I just reached in through one of the clear windows and grabbed and handed off to him to put down in the brooder right away. I had it going at 95+ degrees so they never noticed much difference!

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