Little Giant Hatch Along

So sweet! I love the color.

Do all the silkies have feathers coming down their legs? I still don't know too much about the different breeds.

Yes they do, they also have feathers on there feet
Here is our one silkie chick

oh how cute, I love the greyish coloring.

We have 6 hatch out of our 7 eggs, we are happy..have one more in there..but isn't due to hatch until the 25th..we'll see how it goes.
Thanks for all of your support, good ideas and happy thoughts..I could not have done my first incubator hatch without y'all.
Well for all the bad comments on many other sites about the LG, I have to say, mine is performing admirably!
Of the 30 eggs I put into lock-down three days ago - 24 have hatched with perfectly healthy little chicks! I was sure one Buckeye egg was too porous and the air sac very lopsided, but I put it in anyhow just in case. It was the only one of the shipped Buckeye eggs that were fertile that did not hatch. Of the NH eggs that were my own - I even had one from the refrigerator hatch! I have only had one baby die - he seemed to be turned wrong in the shell and then I had one egg I had dropped and cracked very badly that I was sure would not hatch. Of the 28 eggs I was positive were good the 24 healthy chicks seems like pretty good odds! I helped my LG forced air with turner a little bit this time by wrapping food storage type plastic wrap around where the lid sits on the bottom and that has helped tremendously keep my humidity and temperature steady the entire 21 days. I also am learning to keep my hands out and let the bator do its job!!!!
I am VERY pleased with my hatch rate!!!!!
I have a chick and 8 pips!

I'm on day 19, and their chirping and the eggs are rocking. 8 eggs are cracked and one hatched about 30 minutes ago.

The first chick went fast, we were gone all day and I didn't really expect anything to happen. We walk in the house, and my daughter went to check the tempature and humidity. I hear her screaming "MOM..MOM..Oh My Gosh, Mom their hatching!" LOL That was about 5:30 today, and around 9:10 our little chick hatched

I had been worried about the musty smell, but their all doing there thing.

WOW, This is so Awesome

This is our first hatch, I can't wait to do it again!!!

I'll update as more hatch...YEAH, doing the happy dance at our house tonight!
I too was pleased with mine....and have 32 fluffy butts in the brooder. Six eggs did not hatch at the end. Three others tossed earlier.
I am not pleased, however, with the thermometers that came with it. That seems to be most peoples problem...that and over adjusting. (I finally learned to leave mine alone)

I have set tonight....41 more eggs! (somebody stop me!!!) But six more LF Cochin eggs that I really, really want to hatch. All my DGD's blue eggs that she really would like to hatch. The rest are from my mixed flock. Hatch date for me is, ah, had to go look.....May that Mother's Day??? Perfect!
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How long does it take them too get on their feet? My little guy is flopping all over, and hasn't been able to stand on his own. He's moving all the eggs around trying to get up, will it hurt the pips to have their egg moved? Thanks for all the help guys and gals
Don't worry, they take a while to get the hang of their feet. By morning he'll be turning on a dime and giving nine cents change.

On the chicks moving the eggs around, some people say it hurts, some say it helps. I hatch in cartons to avoid the uncertainty so all I can do is wish you luck.

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